Your Enrolment Checklist
Before you begin your studies at Aber, you will need to set up your University IT account, access your student record and start the online enrolment for your course.
You will receive e-mail prompts when you need to complete each stage so please check your inbox regularly.
Follow this step by step guide to start your university journey.
Set up your Aberystwyth University IT account (ESSENTIAL)
Our Information Services Team will send an e-mail to your personal e-mail address supplied to the University with a message titled ‘Your Aberystwyth University IT account’ to activate and set up your university IT account.
When? This email will be sent when you’ve met all the conditions of your course and closer to the start of term. It contains instructions for creating your student account.
You may need to check your spam filters and junk email.
Please engage with this email as soon as possible.
Aberystwyth University IT account set up completed
From now on we will only use your university email address to contact you. Please check this regularly as we will share important information about:
- your Aber Card,
- your accommodation
- your Internet connection and
- registering for your course.
Apply for your Aber Card (ESSENTIAL)
Our Information Services Team will send an e-mail to your new University e-mail address with a message titled ‘Apply for your Aber Card’ to activate and set up your Aber Card. Your Aber Card is used:
- as your student id
- to register your attendance at lectures
- as the door key to your study bedroom - depending which Halls of Residence you are in
- to purchase food in University hospitality outlets; if you are in catered or part-catered residences it will be credited before you arrive
- for library borrowing, including the use of self-issue machines
- to access 24-hour computer rooms
- to access the library out of core hours (to enter and exit)
- for printing, photocopying and scanning
- as your Student Union card
- as your Sports Centre card
When? This e-mail will be sent after activating your Aberystwyth University e-mail account.
Please engage with this email as soon as possible.
You need to apply for your Aber Card to make sure it is ready for you to collect when you arrive on campus.
Download Your Student Hub (ESSENTIAL)
The Student Hub is your online portal to make it easier for you to access the information and systems you need throughout your studies at Aberystwyth University.
How to Download?
There are various ways to access and download the Student Hub on your device:
- On your mobile devices we recommend that you install the Microsoft SharePoint app on your device. This will allow you quick access to information via an app.
- Alternatively, if you use Microsoft Teams on your mobile device this can also be used to access the Student Hub.
- Another option is to visit the Student Hub in your preferred web browser and then add this to your device’s home screen.
The following FAQs give you a step by step guide to all these options: How do I access the Student Hub from my mobile device? (
Once your Student Hub set up is completed:
It's a good idea to take some time to familiarise yourself with the Student Hub and all the tiles available to you.
What's in the Student Hub?
As you move through your journey to becoming a student at Aberystwyth, the Student Hub gives you easy access to key services at the right time, such as:
Department Specific Information
Information and Communication
- Your University E-Mail and Calendar
- Your Student Record
- The Academic Registry and Dates of Term
- Blackboard (Course Resources)
- Timetable and Exam Timetable
- Your AberSkills Portal
- Study Scheme and Module Information
- Learning Support and Graduate School Resources
Library & IT
- Library and IT Guides and Catalogue
- Your Library and IT Accounts
- Public Computer and Study Room Availability
- Your Reading Lists
Help, Support and Feedback
- Share feedback and participate in regular polls
Campus Life
- Aber Card Top Up and Replacement
- Campus Maps and Rooms
- Get Money and Advice Information
- Undeb Aberystwyth engagement
Your Future
- Careers Service
- Graduation and Postgraduate Studies Information
Online Student Induction (ESSENTIAL)
The University’s Online Student Induction is accessed through Blackboard (Course Resources) and provides useful information on what to expect at the University as well as guidance on various support that will be available to you whilst studying with us.
You can work through the University Induction material in your own time. Explore the sections, and make notes of what you believe will be of help to you.
How to find it?
The University Online Induction is located within the 'Blackboard (Course Resources)' tile in the Student Hub:
- Go to Blackboard
- Login with your AU email address and password
- Click on the word Organisations on the left-hand side of the screen
- Click on Sefydlu Myfyrwyr Ar-Lein / Online Student Induction
Completing your Course Registration (ESSENTIAL)
Before you can be known as a full-time or part-time student at Aberystwyth you will need to complete registration.
Module selection
- An opportunity to discuss module selection will be included within your departmental induction during your first week at University.
- If you are unsure about your module choices, please contact your department for guidance.
- The contact details for your department are available here: Academic Issues : Student , Aberystwyth University
Exchange Student?
Our Student Admin Team will send an e-mail to your new University e-mail address with a message titled ‘Pre-Registration of Modules for New Students’ to inform you about Pre-Registration for your course and to let you know when it goes live.
You can access details of your study scheme and core modules from your Student Record on the web: Student Record
From there you will be able to click the Pre-Registration button which will give full details on how to proceed.
Online Registration
- Once your department(s) have approved your module choices you will then need to complete ‘On-line Registration’ from your Student Record.
- The Online Registration button will appear on your Student Record under ‘My Tasks’.
- If you find you need help to complete the Online Registration task, don’t worry, there will plenty of support available either by:
- Contacting the Student Admin Team via the ‘Chat’ function on your Student Record.
- Emailing
- Contacting the Student Admin Team by telephone as outlined here: Undergraduate Issues : Academic Registry , Aberystwyth University
- Visiting our Student Administration Office on the First Floor of the Cledwyn Building which is open everyday from Monday through to Thursday: 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm.
Postgraduate Student?
Please note that this stage applies to Postgraduate Taught Students but is not relevant for Postgraduate Research Students.
International Student?
Before you are able to fully register for your course with your Academic Department and after you have arrived in Aberystwyth - as international students you may well need to upload your visa documents via your student portal. Do not upload any documents until you are in the UK. You will receive regular emails from our UKVI Compliance Team telling you how to do this.
Please read and engage with these emails if you receive them.
If you are a student visa holder you will also need to arrange to meet with the UKVI Compliance Team in person. Details on how to do this will be sent to you also by e-mail.
Before you can register you will need to present your documents/visa/passport. Students who are not in university accommodation will also need to bring proof of accommodation in (or within 30 miles of) Aberystwyth in the form of a signed contract / or other confirmation of address.
Only when all documents have been uploaded and approved will the emails stop.
If you have any questions about what you have been asked to provide, please contact:
Officially registered as a student at Aberystwyth University…! (ESSENTIAL)
Once you have completed registration then:
For students who have applied and are eligible for maintenance loans / grants:
Confirmation will be forwarded to the Student Loans Company and payments will be made 3-5 working days from registration, directly to the back account details that has been provided to the SLC.
For self-funded fee-paying students (i.e. your tuition fees are not paid directly to the University by the Student Load Company):
You can choose to either pay your tuition fees in full within 30 days of when you register through an online portal. Alternatively, you can arrange a payment instalment plan during the registration period. Instalments will be automatically taken from your bank account on set agreed dates. Arranging payment is easy and you can read about the methods here.
You will then officially be registered as a student at Aberystwyth University!
Postgraduate Student?
Any Postgraduate funding for tuition from the Student Loans Company will be paid directly to you as a student and not directly to the University – so to be clear, it is your responsibility to make the payment for tuition to the University.
Postgraduate Research Students in receipt of studentships (including fees and stipend) will have their fees paid in full or part according to their award as confirmed in the award letter. Those students receiving partial fee awards will be subject to the standard terms for the remaining balance of fees. Please make sure that your student record is updated with your bank details, to ensure stipends payments are paid in a timely manner.