6.4 Feedback

Student Experience Surveys (SES)

1. Each semester, all undergraduate students will be asked to complete an online Student Experience Survey in-class for each of the modules they are taking. SES’s are provided centrally online but administered by academic Faculties and Departments. Each SES consists of a set of core questions, up to four module-specific questions and free text fields. All feedback via SES is anonymous and will be used by Departments to see how the module is performing and make any possible changes. Once analysed, the results feed into module and scheme reviews as well as part of the Annual Monitoring of Taught Schemes. They are also reported to Faculty committees and to students as appropriate.

Your Voice Matters

2. The University also operates a ‘Your Voice Matters’ feedback process by which students are able to feedback at any time about any aspect of their University experience. Further information is available on the ‘Your Voice Matters’ webpages available Your Voice Matters

National Student Survey (NSS)

3. The University requires Departments to prepare Action Plans in response to the annual NSS results. Action Plans should include urgent actions for implementation during the first term of the following academic session. Actions should be communicated to Staff-Student Consultative Committees within each Department so that third year undergraduates in particular are made aware of the actions taken. This will allow for the cohort completing the NSS questionnaires in the spring to have seen the impact of responses.

4. Department Action Plans are received and considered at the first meeting of Faculty Academic Affairs Committee for each academic session. The Committee will report to Academic Board on the actions taken and on the overall process.