In the case of candidates for the degree of MPhil

a. that the candidate be approved for the degree sought subject to completion of such minor corrections as may be required by the Examining Board. Corrections should be completed within a period of four working weeks from the date of official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination. The Examining Board may stipulate that the corrections made shall be scrutinised by either/both examiners(s) prior to the award process being initiated.

b. that the candidate be approved for the degree sought subject to such corrections and amendments as may be required by the Examining Board. Corrections/amendments shall be completed within a period of twelve working weeks from the date of the official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination.

c. * that the candidate be not approved for the degree sought but be allowed to modify the thesis and re-submit it on payment of a re-submission fee. A candidate may be allowed a single opportunity to re-submit the work. The re-submission shall take place within a period not exceeding one year from the date of the official notification to the candidate of the outcome of the examination.

d. that the candidate be not approved for the degree of MPhil.

* These options are not available in the case of candidates who have re-submitted a thesis for examination.