Welsh Language Policies and Strategies

Welsh Language and Culture Sub-Strategy 2019-2023

The Welsh Language and Culture Sub-Strategy 2019-2023  draws together the objectives of four strategic documents, the Welsh Language Standards, the Welsh Medium Academic Plan, Integrated Strategic Plan for the Welsh Language and the Bilingual Skills Strategy, in order to present a cohesive plan that can take the University forward in fulfilling its bilingual mission. The purpose of this sub-strategy is to highlight the main activities that make Aberystwyth University an ambitious bilingual institution which facilitates and promotes the use of the Welsh language.

Policy on the Internal Use of Welsh

The aim of the Policy on the Internal Use of Welsh is to build on the University’s proud tradition of supporting bilingualism in the workplace, and the commitments in the Strategic Plan while also ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards that came into force on 1st April 2018.

Awarding Grants and Financial Assistance - Welsh Language Considerations, Policy and Procedure

In accordance with the Welsh Language Standards (Standard 100) the University has adopted a new policy and procedure (Awarding Grants and Financial Assistance - Welsh Language Considerations, Policy and Procedure) to assess the impact of grants and financial assistance on the Welsh language. Departments that are responsible for awarding grants or financial assistance must complete a welsh language impact assessment in consultation with the Centre for Welsh Language Services. These assessments will be an opportunity to identify opportunities within grant/financial assistance schemes to ensure equality for the Welsh language and to increase the positive effect on the language.