IBERS Photographic Competition prize giving

'On the Farm' - 1st Prize awarded to Rowan Thomas
02 March 2016
The winners of the 2015 IBERS photographic competition were awarded their prizes on Wednesday 2nd March by IBERS Director Professor Mike Gooding. 150 entries were received from IBERS students and staff in five categories; ‘My IBERS’, ‘On the Farm’, Seasons and Landscape’, ‘Student Life’ and ‘Wildlife and Environment’. The standard was very high and IBERS students and staff have again shown themselves to be skilled behind the camera and have taken some stunning images. This made judging the winners a difficult but enjoyable task. The winning images can be seen on the IBERS web page under the ‘events’ tab. At the prize giving each winner briefly talked about their photograph and how they had taken it.
In giving out the prizes Mike Gooding congratulated the winners on their fantastic photographs and thanked everybody who had entered a photograph for their entries.
Further Information
For more information about this competition contact Ian Keirle on 01970-621636 or ike@aber.ac.uk