11th British Meiosis Meeting
The 2019 British Meiosis Meeting aims to gather UK researchers with interests in meiosis, with presentations predominantly by postdocs and students, with informal discussions between the talks.
The meeting will cover all aspects of meiosis, ranging from research into the molecular mechanisms that promote pairing, recombination and chromosome segregation in model organisms, to how these events impact human fertility and crop breeding.
This two-day event will provide an excellent forum for PhD students and Postdocs to present their research as an oral and/or poster presentation. Students and Postdocs are encouraged to apply!
This year, the keynote speakers are world-class scientists Rolf Jessberger (Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany) and Peter Schlögelhofer (Department of Chromosome Biology, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna). Their attendance at the meeting is supported by an award from the Genetics Society. Discounted registration costs have been made possible by generous support from the Genetics Society and the Company of Biologists.