Dr Elin Royles

BSc Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, MSc (Econ) Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, PhD Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth

Dr Elin Royles


Department of International Politics

Contact Details


Elin joined the department in 2003 and is a Reader. Her research and teaching are associated with the areas of: Territorial Politics and Post-devolution UK politics; Sub-state diplomacy and Nation-building; Civil society; Language planning and policy.

She leads the Department of International Politics Recruitment, Admissions and Marketing team, and is a Member of Executive Committee and Theme Leader for ‘Language, Culture and Identities’  at the University's Centre for Welsh Politics and Society. 


Main areas of research: Territorial Politics and post-devolution UK politics; Sub-state diplomacy and nation-building; Sub-state climate change & sustainable development policy; Civil Society; Language planning and policy.

She is currently involved in the following 

Research grants: 

WP C3.1 - ‘Shifting forms of governance and the grassroots politics of separatism’, part of theme 3 Contentious Politics and Civic Gain of the ESRC funded WISERD Civil Society - Civic Satisfaction and Civil Repair project (with Dr Anwen Elias, Prof. Rhys Jones and Dr Nuria Franco-Guillen, Aberystwyth University)

James Madison Trust project on 'Assessing the UK’s new intergovernmental relations architecture post-Brexit' (with Dr Carolyn Rowe Aston University, Dr Rachel Minto Cardiff University).


ARFOR 2 programme evaluation led by Wavehill as main contractor

Her thesis that won the Political Studies Association's Walter Bagehot Prize for the best thesis in government and public administration in 2004-05 and between 2005 and 2014 she was co-editor of the Contemporary Wales journal.

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 3.30-4.30
  • Thursday 09.30-10.30


Royles, E 2023, 'Explaining the salience of secessionist party constitutional demands for independence', Regional and Federal Studies. 10.1080/13597566.2023.2243229
Lewis, H & Royles, E 2023, Governance, complexity, and multi-level language policy and planning. in M Gazzola, F Grin, L Cardinal & K Heugh (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. Taylor & Francis, pp. 272-285. 10.4324/9780429448843-22
Minto, R, Rowe, C & Royles, E 2023, 'Sub-states in transition: Changing patterns of EU paradiplomacy in Scotland and Wales, 1992–2021', Territory, Politics, Governance. 10.1080/21622671.2023.2203176
Royles, E & Chaney, P 2022, Civil Society, Equalities and Inclusion. in J Williams & A Eirug (eds), The Impact of Devolution in Wales: Social Democracy with a Welsh Stripe?. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru | University of Wales Press.
Lewis, H & Royles, E 2022, Examining the Political Origins of Language Policies. in W McLeod, R Dunbar, K Jones & J Walsh (eds), Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams. Springer Nature, pp. 19-37. 10.1007/978-3-030-94346-2_2
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