Successful Second Conference!

06 September 2017

Just before Easter, the second conference was held with the title of ‘The Interwoven Relationship of Law and Media’ where we aimed to explore the relationship between law and media.


As a conference we welcomed researchers from Aberystwyth University and as far afield as Edinburgh University to speak on their research areas. Talks included subjects such as: property Law and the media, Pendleton witches, child offenders in the media, international self-defence and a discussion on how Lili Elbe (The Danish Girl) would be treated under today’s law. All the talks were very interesting and informative and discussions allowed all the postgraduate presenters to develop their research ideas and confidence in public presentation.

We also played host to a number of interesting guest speakers from within the Law school and beyond. Students from Veterans Legal Link gave a very interesting and topical presentation on Marine A and how the media plays a role in these situations. Dr Uta Kohl’s presentation on Fake News sparked debate and discussions on the use of the internet for news and how dissemination of information has changed.

The committee was pleased to welcome Dr Stefan Machura of Bangor University to discuss ‘The Sense of Justice’ in particular how distributive and procedural justice are portrayed in films.

Attendees have commented on how welcoming the conference is and how perfect it is as a first conference to build a researchers confidence, how engaged the audience are and how helpful the discussions are.

See you at the next conference!