Order Bromeliales

Bromeliaceae: Bromeliad family

Guzmania memoria bromeliad The best-known crop bromeliad is the pineapple (a terrestrial xerophyte). However, bromeliads are mostly tropical epiphytes (ie. plants that grow on the surface of other plants, usually on tree trunks). All except one species are American. More than two-thirds of the species belong to six genera: Tillandsia (400 species), Pitcairnia (250), Vriesia (200), Aechmea (150), Puya (140) and Guzmania (120).

Right: Guzmania memoria bromeliad  

Below: Aechmea bromeliad

Aechmea bromeliad 

Below: the epiphytic 'Spanish moss' Tillandsia usneoides from the Americas occurs as far north as Maryland. It is unusual in the family in its slender branching stems, seen hanging from the display branch in this picture. 

Tillandsia usneoides