Taiwanese gift

Dr Judith Broady-Preston, Director of Research and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Studies (right) presents the digitised version of the Open Access journal, Journal of Educational, Media and Library Services to Rebecca Davies, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Aberystwyth University.
08 November 2011
Aberystwyth University was recently presented with a generous gift by the Tamkang University, Danshui, Taiwan.
The gift of a digitised limited edition copy of the 40 years content of the prestigious International Open Access Journal, Journal of Educational, Media and Library Services, from 1970-2010 was presented to the University by Editor in Chief of the Journal, Professor Jeong-Yeou Chiu, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
Professor Chiu is also the Standing Director of the Library Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Chairman of the Chinese Association of Library and Science Education and is an alumnus of Aberystwyth University. During the mid-1990s, Professor Chiu gained an MLib and a PhD from the Department of Information Studies at Aberystwyth University.
Initially presented to Dr Judith Broady-Preston, the Regional Editor (UK and Europe) of the Journal, Director of Research and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Studies at Aberystwyth University, the digital copy of the journal spanning 40 years was presented to Rebecca Davies, Director of Information Services and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University.
Rebecca Davies commented: “I’m delighted to receive this kind gift on behalf of the University. It represents a wealth of work and an expanse of knowledge and learning. We are very privileged to be presented with such a generous gift.”
The Journal of Educational, Media and Library Services is one of the earliest Open Access Journals and is a peer-reviewed journal which is published quarterly and covers a variety of topics and research methods in both Information and Library Studies.
Dr Judith Broady-Preston explains: “I was fortunate enough to be invited to give the keynote address at the international conference When Library and Information Studies meets the Digital World and Scholarly Publishing in Taiwan, convened to celebrate forty years of the journal. During the conference I was asked to accept this gift on behalf of Aberystwyth University as testament to the growing relationship between our University and that of Tamkang University, Taiwan. It is amazing to think that the small data stick presented to us contains forty years of published works and represents some of the key thoughts and ideas of the leaders of our field.”
The digitised version will now be made available to students at the University to support them in their academic studies at the Department of Information Studies.