‘Calling all Aber-preneurs’

Attendees at the Summer 2011 Business Start-up Week
12 December 2011
Aberystwyth University’s Winter Business Start-up Week will be held on campus from Tuesday 13th –Thursday 15th December 2011. This ‘Business Boot Camp’ provides an excellent opportunity to take part in FREE essential business skills workshops and is open to all, including staff, students and graduates.
Whether you have a business idea you are looking to turn into reality, or are interested in developing your entrepreneurial skills, why not join us for one or more workshops? Sessions will cover themes including: Business Planning, Market Research, Financial Planning and E-Marketing.
“In addition to a package of essential business skills training, the Business Start-up week provides individuals with a fantastic networking opportunity to meet like minded entrepreneurs and build a support network to draw on when taking their business idea forward.” Tony Orme, Enterprise Manager, Commercialisation and Consultancy Services.
For further information and details of how to register, visit: www.aber.ac.uk/crisalis