Kicking the habit

No Smoking Day
11 March 2014
Advice on how to give up smoking and free lung function tests will be available at Aberystwyth University on Wednesday 12 March as part of No Smoking Day.
Professional Healthy Lifestyle Advisor from Stop Smoking Wales will be on hand at the Hugh Owen Library (Floor D) from 10.00am until 3.00pm to provide information about the risks associated with smoking and valuable advice and free resources to help quit.
Smokers and non-smokers can also take the free lung test (spriometry) at the University’s Sports Centre supervised by trained staff from the Department of Sport and Exercise Science.
The test takes just 5 minutes and will be available between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Those taking part will be entered into a free prize draw.
Prizes include a personal training session; a strength and conditioning session; 30 minutes of hypnotherapy (basic relaxation); a 30 minute sports massage session; a complete fitness assessment and a lifestyle consultation session.
The day’s activities are being organised by the University’s Health Champion, Michele Presacane.
Michelle said: “Quitting is not easy but not impossible. Cessation support increases the chances of quitting therefore come along to see how we can help.”
“Quitting tobacco provides many instantaneous and long term health benefits. Within 20 minutes of giving up blood pressure and heart rate will significantly drop and after 12 hours the carbon monoxide level in the body will also drop.
“Long term benefits include reduced coughing and shortness of breath, improved circulation, decreased risk of coronary heart diseases and strokes, and lowered risk of lung, mouth, throat and bladder cancers.
“Giving up would also mean having more money in your pocket. If you smoke one packet of cigarettes a day you will spend about £7.47. Over a week you will have spent £52.29 which adds up to £ 222.23 every month, meaning that you may not be able to book your dream holiday because you managed to “smoke” £2719.08 over a year!”
“Please remember that you have got a chance to quit tobacco. It is never too late! Come along on the 12th March and get some help.”
Click here for further details about what is being done at Aberystwyth University to create a positive and supportive working environment.