Prof Birgit Beumers


Beumers, B 2022, 'Sergueï Loznitsa: Un cinéma à l’épreuve du monde', Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 161-162. 10.1080/17503132.2022.2072991
Beumers, B 2017, Bleep and ***: Speechless protest. in B Beumers, A Etkind, O Gurova & S Turoma (eds), Cultural Forms of Protest in Russia. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series, Taylor & Francis, pp. 160-179.
Beumers, B & Zvonkine, E 2017, Ruptures and Continuities in Soviet/Russian Cinema. Taylor & Francis.
Beumers, B 2017, 'Waiting for change': Sergei solov'ev and the dreams of the young generation. in B Beumers & E Zvonkine (eds), Ruptures and Continuities in Soviety/Russian Cinema: Styles, characters and genres before and after the collapse of the USSR. Taylor & Francis, pp. 51-67.
Beumers, B (ed.) 2016, A Companion to Russian Cinema. Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas, Wiley.
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