Dr Wyn Morris PhD, MSc Econ (Entrepreneurship), BSc (Rural Resource Management), PGCTHE

Senior Lecturer in Management
Contact Details
- Email: dmm@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4355-2211
- Office: C54, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622513
- Twitter: wyn_wm
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=6c8ltpwAAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Dr Wyn Morris is a senior lecturer at Aberystwyth Business School.
He graduated from Aberystwyth University in 2001 with a BSc
in Rural Resource Management, specialising in business and
economics. His career took him to the Farm Assurance Livestock
Scheme where he worked as Certification and Assessment
Coordinator while studying for an MSc Econ in Entrepreneurship
through the medium of Welsh. Wyn joined Aberystwyth University
staff as an Investigational Officer with the Farm Business Survey
in 2003, before taking up a post at the School of Business and
Management in 2010 and successfully defending his PhD Titled:
Farmers in Wales. His main areas of research and teaching are
in management, strategy and operations with a focus on rural
Module Coordinator
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- ABM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- ABM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- MM34020 - Business Strategy
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- CB35120 - Arweinyddiaeth Strategol
- AB15220 - Data Analytics
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- ABM5220 - International Strategy and Operations
- AB35120 - Strategic Leadership
- AB17120 - Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
- MM34020 - Business Strategy
- CB35540 - Traethawd Estynedig
- AB11220 - Accounting and Finance for Specialists
- AB13120 - Understanding the Economy
- CB25540 - Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- AB11120 - Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
- ABM5560 - Managerial Report
- AB15120 - Fundamentals of Management and Business
- AB13220 - Economic Theory and Policy
- AB19120 - Principles of Tourism Management
- ABM3520 - Global Supply Chain Management
- DBM2520 - Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
- MMM5920 - Facilitation for Organisation Leadership
- MMM5720 - Leading Change
- MMM5820 - Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders
- AB25120 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
Business Strategy
Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Agricultural and Rural Incomes
- Diversification and Entrepreneurship
- Animal Production Systems
- Technology Adoption in Agriculture
- Farm and Rural Crime
- Supply Chain Management
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Thursday 10:00-12:00