10.1.5 The process for the submission of an Academic Appeal

1. From the date of formal notification of University examination results or upon receipt of formal notification requiring exclusion under the Academic Regulation on Academic Progress, students will normally have 10 working days in which to submit an appeal. Late appeals will not normally be considered unless independent, corroborative evidence is submitted clearly explaining why the student was prevented from submitting the appeal by the deadline.

2. All appeals must be made in writing using the University’s Academic Appeal form, or the student can e-mail caostaff@aber.ac.uk to request a copy. All sections must be completed fully. Any partially completed forms will be returned to the student and not considered until a fully completed form is submitted with evidence. Evidence

1. When appealing, students must clearly state against what they are appealing, and must clearly demonstrate the impact of their circumstances on their performance, in the form of an explanation and the submission of appropriate evidence.

2. For the purpose of this procedure, evidence submitted in support of a student’s appeal must be independent or corroborative, and sufficient to establish any claims or issues raised. A personal statement of what a student believes to be true does not constitute evidence. Students must also clearly state what they wish to achieve from their appeal. Full documentation to substantiate any exceptional circumstances or claims made MUST be submitted with the appeal form. The evidence must be signed and dated; it must indicate how the circumstances affected their performance, and it must be relevant to the affected piece of assessment. Evidence not provided in either English or Welsh must be translated and/or independently verified at the student’s own expense.

3. The student is responsible for identifying and submitting appropriate evidence with the appeal. The University will not do this on the student’s behalf. Any appeal made stating that further information can be sought on the student’s behalf will not be actioned and will be rejected.

4. Where the student’s academic performance has been affected by circumstances involving a third party, e.g. friend, parent, sibling, students should submit independent documentary evidence that explains the impact that the circumstances have had on them. If a student wishes to submit evidence relating to a third party they must provide written consent that they are permitted to do this from the third party involved.

5. All completed applications of appeal must be submitted directly to caostaff@aber.ac.uk. If the form is submitted electronically normally from the student’s own University e-mail account, this will be considered a ‘signed’ document in the absence of an original hard copy. If, for any reason a student’s University e-mail is inactive, the University will accept applications from a student’s alternative email address or by post. Students will receive written acknowledgement to confirm receipt of their application form within 5 working days of receiving their fully complete appeal application with appropriate evidence.

6. The student will be contacted by email regarding the outcome of their appeal. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that their contact details are correct on their on-line student record. The University bears no responsibility for letters that do not reach a student due to their record not being kept up to date. The primary method of contact will be via e-mail, though letters of outcome at the appeal stage will be forwarded to the address on the forms submitted, where requested.