12.2.3 Who can appeal

1. Following the formal publication of University examination results, or upon receipt of formal notification of exclusion under the Academic Regulation on Academic Progress, an Aberystwyth University student studying for postgraduate research qualification is entitled to appeal against the decision. Students studying under collaborative arrangements at a Partner Education Provider should also follow this Procedure – further information is available in the student handbook. Students permitted to appeal include:

(i) students who are prevented from continuing with their studies part-way through a level of study or part of a programme
(ii) students who fail to qualify to proceed to the next stage of their programme at the end of a level, end of a part or end of a year
(iii) students who have completed their programme, but who wish to appeal against the result, or students who are dissatisfied with the award of an exit qualification of the University
(iv) where the implications of the progression decision taken by the Examination Board may have a significant impact on the student’s overall result (e.g. capping of marks)
(v) if students wish to submit a group appeal, they must first contact the Academic Registry at caostaff@aber.ac.uk to seek guidance on how the appeal could be considered.

2. Students must submit appeals within 20 working days of the publication of their results, unless they have mitigating circumstances (which they must demonstrate), for not doing so within this time frame.

3. Students can access advice from the Student’s Union regarding the submission of their appeal, if necessary.