2.5 Non-Executive Approval Pathway

1. The ‘Non-Executive’ approval pathway is for proposals where there are no resource implications and therefore sign off is not required by the University Executive Group. Proposals considered via the non-executive approval pathway should include:

(i) New provision in an existing area (drawn from existing module provision)

(ii) New Major/Minor combinations and Joint Honours schemes.

2. Proposals following the non-executive pathway will be considered by the Portfolio Planning Committee (PPC) and can be approved by a relevant Faculty Approval Panel (a sub-group of FAAC) which will be scheduled as necessary.

3. Departments should consult with the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor, Planning and Global Marketing and Student Recruitment before submitting a proposal for a new scheme. Academic departments should also consult the Academic Registry QA Team to ascertain which approval pathway should be followed.

Portfolio Planning Committee

4. All proposals following the non-executive pathway will be considered by the PPC which will determine whether the proposal should go forward for academic consideration by a Faculty Approval Panel, be referred back to the Department for further discussion or rejected.

Marketing of scheme

5. Schemes may be advertised as ‘subject to approval’ in the next formal University prospectus following approval from PPC. Schemes cannot be advertised on UCAS or online until they have fully completed the approval process, unless the department has made a successful case for advertising the scheme as ‘subject to approval’ in printed and online materials in addition to the formal University prospectus. The Academic Registry QA team will communicate the decision to the proposing department(s) and to relevant service departments.

Consideration of proposal by Faculty Approval Panel

6. Once approval to proceed to the next stage of the approval process has been received from PPC, detailed consideration of the academic content, curriculum design and delivery, and formal sign-off of the proposal, will be considered by the Faculty Approval Panel, which will be scheduled as necessary. The Faculty Approval Panel may not reject a proposal unless it is on QA grounds.

7. The Panel will have membership of at least two faculty academic representatives who have not been involved in the development or pre-Faculty Panel approval of the proposal, nominated by the Faculty; normally an Associate Dean will be a member of the Panel. The Panel must also include a representative from the Students’ Union and the Academic Registry QA link who will be responsible for taking notes of the meeting. Additional members may be invited if deemed appropriate. Academic Registry will be mindful of Welsh-medium representation on panels.

8. Approval by the Faculty Approval Panel will constitute the final stage of the approval process. The notes from the Panel will be submitted to FAAC with the proposal documentation for information only, and to PPC as a record of the decisions taken.

New Provision in an existing area

9. Departments should follow this route if they are proposing the development of new schemes within an existing area or provision, for example, drawing upon existing modules, and where there are no resource implications. The Department should complete the following for consideration by the PPC and Faculty Approval Panel. Further detailed guidance can be found on the SDF form.

(i) Committee coversheet

(ii) Scheme Development Form 2 (SDF2)

(iii) Programme specification(s), including scheme/module learning outcomes mapped against assessment

(iv) New/restructured module approval forms, where appropriate, or links to existing modules.

Creation of new Major/Minor combinations and Joint Honours schemes

10. Departments should follow this route if they are proposing the creation of a new Major/Minor or Joint Honours scheme. Please note that this route should only be followed to join two pre-existing approved major, minor or joint elements. Departments should follow the New Provision in an Existing Area or the Executive approval route to create new major, minor or joint elements. The Department should complete the following for consideration by the PPC and Faculty Approval Panel. Further detailed guidance can be found on the SDF form.

(i) Committee coversheet

(ii) Scheme Development Form 4 (SDF4).