2. Rules

2.1 Students must not disrupt the academic activities of any member of the academic community or authorised visitor, or any ceremony, meeting or social, cultural, political or sporting event of the University held on the University’s premises or elsewhere whether or not the event or meeting is open to the public.

2.2 Students must not disrupt the administration and general operation of the University.

2.3 Students must not bring the University into disrepute or incur any liability on behalf of the University.

2.4 Students must not obstruct persons authorised by the University or authorised visitors in the performance of their duties, functions or other activities.

2.5 Students must not engage in any criminal activity against any other student.

2.6 Students must not perform any act which might render the University liable in criminal law.

2.7 Students must not damage, deface or misappropriate any property of the University, the Students’ Union, any other organisation or body of students in the University or any other member of the academic community or employee of the University.

2.8 Students must not engage in activity contrary to the University’s policy on Equal Opportunity: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hr/info-staff/employment/equal-opportunities/

2.9 Students must not:

2.9.1 behave in a violent manner;

2.9.2 behave in an indecent manner;

2.9.3 behave in a disorderly manner;

2.9.4 behave in a threatening manner;

2.9.5 engage in oral or written abuse towards other students, staff or other individuals.

2.9.6 Students must not engage in the following forms of behaviour: harassment, sexual harassment, harassment on grounds of sexual orientation, harassment on grounds of gender identity, racial harassment, harassment of disabled people, bullying, stalking, cyber-bullying, and sexual abuse.

This list is not exhaustive and other forms of behaviour may be found to be in breach of these Rules.

Rules 2.9.1 – 2.9.6 include communication via e-mail and social media.

2.10 Students must not take or use without authority any property belonging to the University, the Students’ Union, any student organisation, any other student, member of staff or authorised visitor.

2.11 Students must not drive any vehicle belonging to, or hired by, the University, the Students’ Union or any other student organisation without the approval of an authorised officer.

2.12 Students must not, while on the property of the University, or while engaged in any University activity, have in their possession any illegal substances.

2.13 With the exception of student licensed clubs, where licensed gun owners must keep guns safely stored in the Students’ Union’s licensed gun cabinet, students must not bring onto any property of the University a firearm of any description, or imitation firearm, replicas and models, all airguns, pellet, Nerf and BB guns, electric stun guns and all other devices including spear guns howsoever capable of discharging any shot, bullet, arrow, bolt or other missile or electric charge; any other weapon, ammunition, or any explosive material (including fireworks), or any substance hazardous to life without the written authority of a person authorised by the University Executive.

2.14 Students must not engage in fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to the University, its staff or students, or in connection with holding any office in the Students’ Union.

2.15 Students must not use the name of the University or their position in the Students’ Union or in the University to engage in fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty.

2.16 Students must disclose their name and other relevant details to a person duly authorised by the University in circumstances when it is reasonable to require that such information be given.

2.17 Students must respect copyright in all materials, including those in which copyright lies with the University itself or with its members of staff. Such material (e.g. lecture notes, research notes, publications, recorded lectures) should not be posted to the web without explicit permission from the appropriate member of staff and/or the University Copyright Manager.

2.18 Students shall not persistently break University Regulations as set out in Section 3 below.

2.19 Health and Safety

2.19.1 Every student is under a legal obligation to take reasonable care of their own health and safety, and the safety of others who may be affected by their actions or inactions whilst studying at the University. The duties and expectations for all students in respect of health and safety legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, is provided in the University’s Health and Safety Policy, which is available at: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/policy/. Every student must comply with the rules and requirements set out in this Policy and other subordinate and associated policies and procedures.

 In particular, legal duties for all students will include, but will not be limited to:

(i) Participate in appropriate health and safety training, as required;

(ii) Undertake or assist with the undertaking of suitable and sufficient risk assessments and/or follow and adhere to the associated control measures and procedures;

(iii) Work together with colleagues and students to enable them to carry out their own health and safety responsibilities;

(iv) Report to supervisory staff any situation, working practice or procedure which they suspect is potentially hazardous;

(v) Report promptly all accidents and incidents to supervisory staff or other appropriate person;

(vi) Use, but not misuse, protective clothing, equipment or materials provided;

(vii) Comply with the health and safety rules, policies and instructions, both spoken and written, which are issued to them; and

(vii) Use machinery, chemicals, biological material, plant or equipment in the manner for which they were designed and in accordance with the appropriate safety precautions.

2.19.2    Every student whose course involves work in a laboratory or other high-risk areas must obey the special safety rules applicable to that area. These rules will be issued by the Faculty/Department concerned.

2.19.3    In order to carry out its duties under Health and Safety legislation, the University instructs undergraduate and taught postgraduate students that they must not enter laboratories and other high-risk areas except as indicated by the timetabled provisions for their courses. Postgraduate research students working in research laboratories must observe the Faculty/Department rules regarding access to such areas both within and outside of normal working hours.

2.19.4    It is a criminal offence to tamper or interfere with any fire safety equipment, provided for the safety of all persons in and around buildings. This includes letting off or tampering with fire extinguishers (except in the event of a fire), wedging open fire doors, tampering or otherwise interfering with the fire alarm system and removal or alteration of any fire related safety signage.

2.19.5   Students should note that if they commit a breach of these rules they render themselves liable to criminal prosecution at the instigation of the Health and Safety Executive or the Fire and Rescue Service.

2.20 Freedom of Speech

2.20.1   Students must comply with the requirements of the University's Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech. https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/media/departmental/governance/policies/2020-07-30---Code-of-Practice-on-Freedom-of-Speech.pdf 

2.20.2  The University’s Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech notwithstanding, students must not engage in ‘vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs’ (being the definition of ‘extremism’ in the UK Government counter-terrorism ‘Prevent Strategy’.

2.21 General Provisions

2.21.1    Students must not encourage, assist or conspire with any other person to act in breach of these rules.

2.21.2    Where a student is alleged to have committed a criminal offence, the University may consider temporary or other appropriate action under the Student Disciplinary Procedure.

2.22 Definition

2.22.1    The premises of the University are defined as all land or buildings owned, occupied, leased or rented by the University.