Now Showing

Ar Agor: Dydd Llun-Dydd Gwener, 10yb-5yh | Open: Monday - Friday, 10am-5pm  Am ddim | Free

Curadu Natur | Curating Nature

Garddio Yn Caerl I Astudio Trwy Gasgliadau'r Ysgol Gerlf | Gardening Explored Through The School Of Art Collection

Mai 20 May - Medi 13 - September 2024

As part of the final semester of their programme of study at the School of Art, students can take a module focused on the curation of an exhibition from the School of Art’s collection, which examines and responds to an aspect of contemporary life. This year the theme of gardens and gardening was chosen. This was in part, to coincide with the School of Art hosting the Annual General Meeting of The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust (WHGT), but also to examine the role of the garden in our lives, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Working collaboratively and in groups, the student curation team developed four curatorial themes which illustrate and explore narratives: from garden design in the 18th century, to contemporary social, political, and environmental issues. Having researched the collection and selected the artworks, the students wrote, designed and presented the object labels, exhibition texts, and marketing material. They were also responsible for supporting the framing and hanging of the exhibition and considering immersive elements such as sound. In addition to the gallery space; students also curated a cabinet drawer, housed in original museum furniture from the Old College’s Museum displays. The aim here is to create an interactive activity for potential audiences young or old, tailored to different learning styles.

The works in this exhibition feature historic and contemporary photographs, prints, drawings, paintings, and ceramics spanning almost 300 years from 1743 to 2023. In the museum cabinet you will find instructions to make things with children such as sun prints and plant pots, as well as hand embroidered local flowers, poems to read, and seeds to swap.


Mynd i Ysbryd Lle | In the Spirit of Place 

Gorffennaf 1 July - Awst 16 August 2024

'Perthyn' a 'chartref' - dau air emosiynol sydd, gyda'i gilydd, yn creu gorchudd o gysur teimladau dynol. Berf ac enw, ac mae’r ddau yn gysyniadau haniaethol sy'n ysgogi ac ennyn dehongliadau personol o ddyhead cyffredinol; oherwydd mae’n hollol wir nad oes na ‘unman tebyg i gartref’. Nid oes un lle unigol a phenodol, oherwydd yr hyn sy’n rhoi ffurf ac yn rhoi sylwedd i’r 'lle' yw teimladau, cysylltiadau, dychymyg, hanes, ac ymdeimlad o hiraeth.

Mae canfod eich lle yn y byd modern, lle mae symudedd cymdeithasol a symudedd gwirioneddol, dosbarth, mudo a theithio wedi dod yn rhan o’r broses, yn gorfodi dyn i ailystyried cysyniadau traddodiadol ynglŷn ag ymwreiddio, ac am yr hyn yw cartref a pherthyn.

Ar lefel hanesyddol ac anthropolegol ddofn rydym i gyd yn ffoaduriaid.

Mynd i Ysbryd Lle - cydweithrediad rhwng Celfyddydau Aberteifi ac Ysgol Gelf Aberystwyth yn rhan o ddathliadau trigain mlynedd sefydlu Celfyddydau Aberteifi.


‘Belonging’ and ‘home’ are two emotive words that together form a comfort blanket of human emotion. A verb and a noun both are abstract concepts that stir and engender personal interpretations of a universal desire; for in reality there really is ‘no place like home’. There is, no individual and specific place, for ‘place’ is shaped and lent reality only by individual emotions, associations, imagination, history and a level of nostalgia.

Finding your place in a modern world where social and actual mobility, class, migration and travel are factored into the task, compels individual re-examination of traditional concepts of rootedness, home, and belonging.

At a deep historic and anthropological level we are all refugees.

In Spirit of Place - a collaboration between Cardigan Arts and Aberystwyth School of Art as part of the sixtieth anniversary celebrations of the founding of Cardigan Arts.