IBERS Europe launch

IBERS Gogerddan
22 June 2009
Former UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and President of Aberystwyth University, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, will host a series of meetings at which senior scientists from IBERS will outline to representatives of the European Commission and the European Union how they are working to deliver holistic solutions to the global challenges of living with climate change.
Professor Noel Lloyd, Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University said:
“The establishment of IBERS represents a major milestone for Aberystwyth University. The Brussels launch offers an important stage from which to present the broad programme of research that is being undertaken at IBERS and the contribution it has to make in key areas of renewable energy, global food and water security and animal and plant diseases.”
Professor Wayne Powell, Director of IBERS said:
“Our mission, whilst focussed on problems caused by rapid environmental change for agriculture and environment in Wales, UK and EU, is also aimed at improving lives and prospects for people in developing nations, where the impact of such change is likely to be greatest.”
“We believe that IBERS can make a real difference, by exploiting our broad range of skills in plant breeding and genetics, animal production science, environmental, ecological and biodiversity science together with social sciences specialising in development. It is our capacity to link across these domains that give us a unique capacity in the UK to deliver solutions required by policy makers and practitioners,” he added.
Hosted by Welsh Higher Education Brussels, the programme includes briefings for European Commission officials, representatives of EU member states and regions, and European science, industry and academic networks.
As part of the day's programme Dr Marta Perez-Soba of Wageningen University (Netherlands), Co-author of the EU Standing Committee on Agricultural Research report “New challenges for agricultural research”, will join Professor Powell in addressing a reception at the British Ambassador’s Residence.
IBERS was established in April 2008, following the merger of the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research into Aberystwyth University. It currently has more than 300 staff, over 1000 undergraduate and research students, and an annual budget of more than €30 million.
IBERS is currently involved in two EU-financed research projects on 'Improving the safety of beef and beef products for the consumer in production and processing (ProSafeBeef)' and 'Innovative and practical management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants (REDNEX)'. These projects benefit in total from approximately €1 million of EU funding.
With support from the Welsh Assembly Government and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, IBERS is currently embarking on a €65m investment programme that will provide cutting edge research and teaching facilities.