REF:66-2111-9657514 - No smoking rule

Your comment: The rule on people smoking having to do so at least 10m away from the block is not enforced at all, so I frequently find the disgusting stench coming in through my vent. Please may you ensure this is rectified and to help encourage this move benches to at least 10m away. It would also be nice if there could be designated outdoor study spaces where no smoking is allowed anywhere nearby, as this would allow people to feel able to go outside in nice weather to work without having to worry about putting their health at risk if people start smoking nearby.

Our response:

In regards to the smoking – we are currently in the process of sending out comms to all residents about the expectation to smoke 10m away from the building. The benches at the back of blocks in Fferm Penglais are not designated smoking areas, the bins are located in this area to ensure that people have bins to discard their cigarette buts and not to throw them on the floor. All outside Areas of residences can be used for studying, if the seating area is less than 10m away from a building, people should not be smoking at this table.