Dr Gareth Evans MA (Cymru), PhD (Aberystwyth), PGCTHE, FHEA

Dr Gareth Evans

Lecturer in Theatre and Performance

Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies

Contact Details


Gareth has taught in the Department since September 2007, becoming a full-time member of staff in 2012. In the same year he completed his PhD which considered Hans-Thies Lehmann's (1999, trans. 2006) notion of postdramatic theatre and its significance within a Welsh-langauge context, focusing specifically on the work of Brith Gof and their collaborators, and the performance texts of writer Aled Jones Williams.

His performance practice during the past several years has been as a member of random people.

He is currently completing a monograph on the works of Aled Jones Williams, to be published by University of Wales Press.

Since 2018, he has regularly written theatre reviews for The Guardian.


Module Coordinator
Attendance Dept Admin
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Postdramatic theatre; contemporary performance; Welsh-language theatre and performance in Wales; contemporary European theatre; the works of Aled Jones Williams; music theatre and contemporary opera.


Scheme Coordinator for BA Drama and Theatre

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Wednesday 10:00-12:00


Evans, G 2017, Ymlaen Mae Canaan: Dyfodoldeb yn Hanesyddiaeth y Theatr Gymraeg. in A Jones (ed.), Perfformio'r Genedl: Ar Drywydd Hywel Teifi Edwards. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru | University of Wales Press, pp. 1-30.
Evans, G 2013, Rhagair. in Pridd. Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Llanrwst.
Evans, G 2013, ''Theatre and Performance in Small Nations', Steve Blandford (gol.)', Cyfrwng, no. 10, pp. 114-115.
Evans, G 2013, Theatr Ôl-Ddramataidd. in A Jones & LL (eds), Ysgrifau ar Theatr a Pherfformio. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru | University of Wales Press, pp. 119-141.
Ritchie, L & Evans, G, On Running, 2007, Performance, Chapter .
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