Complaints Form

Please complete the following form to escalate a complaint to the ‘Stage 2 Procedure’. This should normally be within 10 University working days of the conclusion of the first Stage.

Are you a:

Please note that, where no attempt has previously been made to resolve a complaint through a ‘Stage 1 Resolution’, your complaint will be forwarded to the relevant department for consideration in the first instance, and the matter only considered under the second Stage where you are not satisfied with the response received.

A response shall normally be issued within 10 University working days.

We welcome complaints in either Welsh or English, and your choice of language will not lead to a delay in receiving a response. Complaints can also be submitted via e-mail to or by post to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, Aberystwyth University, Visualisation Centre, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3BF. Please remember to include the information requested in the form above where submitting a complaint via e-mail or post.