Distance Learning Students
Following the Examination Boards your results will be posted to your “Student Record” https://studentrecord.aber.ac.uk/en/login.php on the web for you to access. Results will be available from Thursday 20 February.
It is important that you check your University student email account regularly as this is often our primary way of contacting you and act upon any correspondence sent to you regarding your performance following confirmation of your results. Failure to do so might lead to problems for you later in the session.
If you require advice or support we are available via email, telephone (see below) and the chat facility on this page.
If you have then it is important that you check your Study Scheme, personal details, contact addresses on your ‘Student Record’ now.
You should visit your ‘Student Record’ often to make sure it is accurate and up to date. It is also important that you check your University email student account regularly as this is often our primary way of contacting you.
If you require advice or support we are available via email, telephone (see below) and the chat facility on this page.
Registration - for details choose your study level above
Changing Study Scheme
Students must complete a Change of Registration Form, available to download from your student record. Alternatively, forms are available from the Academic Registry. Completed forms must be signed by you and your department then returned to the Academic Registry for processing. For any enquiries regarding modules, please contact your Academic Department.
Changing Personal Details
Changes to your personal details must be made through your student record, select 'Personal' link at the top of the page. Most changes take place shortly after submission however, a change of name may require official documentation to be provided to the Academic Registry. If this is required, you will be informed what documentation is acceptable.
Withdrawal from Study
If you are considering taking a permanent or temporary withdrawal from the University, you may begin the withdrawal process through your student record. For distance learners academic meetings will be held over the phone or Microsoft teams. Following the meeting, you must confirm your application through your student record to progress your application to the confirmation stage before being finalised. Withdrawal From University : Academic Registry , Aberystwyth University
Contact Us
Team | Phone | |
Distance Learning Student Administration | dlrstaff@aber.ac.uk | (01970) 622290 / 622057 |
Graduate School | graduate.school@aber.ac.uk | 01970 622219 |
Office Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday - Closed.
Academic Registry,
Aberystwyth University,
Cledwyn Building,
SY23 3DD
Additional Information
You will also find useful information on your Departmental web pages. They have been designed to provide information specific to your course and it is recommended that you access them.