1.1 Before Each Examination

1.       Make certain that you are at the appropriate examination venue in good time. I would suggest be there 20 minutes early. This gives you adequate time to do the things indicated below, but also to get yourself mentally prepared prior to the examination, bearing in mind that the examination hall doors will be opened 10 minutes before the examinations are scheduled to start.

2.       Arrive definitely knowing your module code and module title.

3.       Consult the timetable displayed, to confirm that you are in the correct location and mentally note the seat numbers allocated to your module examination.  Consult the seating plan of the examination hall so you can identify which row of seats you will find your examination paper.

4.       Please avoid bringing anything unnecessary to the examination hall. Examination Attendants will indicate where coats, bags and other items should be left during the 
examination (which is normally outside of the examination venue). The University will take no responsibility for anything at all left outside an examination hall.

5.       Approximately ten minutes before the scheduled start time, you will be advised that the examination hall doors have been opened and you may make your way into the hall, in a calm and orderly fashion.

6.       On the way into the hall, you will be reminded to check if you have mobile telephones or any other unauthorised electronic devices in your possession.  Although it is preferred that you do not bring any unauthorised electronic devices into an examination hall, they can be stored in a box during the examination.  However, neither the University, nor the examination staff have any responsibility whatsoever for such devices stored in the boxes. You must remember to collect this device prior to you leaving the venue.