1.3 At the end of the Examination

1.       You are totally responsible for the timing of your examination and for being aware of the end time which is relevant to your own paper. The examination hall may have two different examination durations and there is no requirement on examination staff to give any warnings as the ends of the papers are approaching, though sometimes they may do so, where possible.

2.       You must never write anything more in your answer booklet once the ‘End Announcement’ for your examination has been made.

3.       At the end of your examination, make sure that you have filled in the front panels and your name in the anonymity corner. Stick down the corner, if you have not already done so. This applies to all the answer books used, not just the first.

4.       If you have used more than one answer book, please use the treasury tag supplied to tag them together securely.

5.       Whenever you leave the examination hall, even if you decide to leave early (you must stay at least for the first 45 minutes under any circumstances), please leave your answer books on your examination desk and depart quietly. You may normally (unless specified otherwise) take away the question paper.

6.       Remember that other students may well not have finished their examinations when you depart (including those in the Individual Examination Requirements Room adjacent to the main hall), so please keep generally quiet in the examination vicinity and please do not start conversations until well away from the examination hall.

7.       Please make sure you take away all your personal belongings – should you leave any behind please e-mail eosstaff@aber.ac.uk giving further details as to what has been mislaid.  We will do our best to assist.