2. How do I install SAPIENT?

First you need to make sure you have downloaded and installed the web browser Firefox 3 from


NOTE: You need Firefox 3 or later because SAPIENT makes use of some javascript technology that is not yet the default in all browsers. SAPIENT is also known to work with Safari 3.2 and may also work fine with other browsers.
Then you have two choices:
Decide to use SAPIENT from within Oscar3. In this case refer to the README.txt file released with Oscar3 for instructions on how to install and run Oscar3. A link to SAPIENT will appear from the index page of Oscar3.
Decide to run SAPIENT as a standalone process.
In this case you can:
Download sapient.jar from sourceforge.net or http://www.aber.ac.uk/compsci/Research/bio/art/sapient/ Then make sure you have java 1.6 or later. You just need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To check if you have java, open a command line (or command prompt in windows see 16. ) and type: "java -version". Then click enter. This should tell you if you have java and which version.

If you don't have java, you can download the latest version for your operating system (OS) from:


SAPIENT is java based and therefore will theoretically run on all operating systems (OS).
Compile your own sapient.jar from the source code. If you choose this option, we assume you know what you are doing. Make sure you have java 1.6 or later. Then run ant with the ARTbuild.xml file, instead of the build file.