Vision Graphics & Visualisation

Texture analysis and synthesis is used in image manipulation and medical image understanding and developments in the topological aspects of the domain are supported by EPSRC funding.
Registration has concentrated on computational geometry and other mathematical properties of images and volumes, recognition of articulated motion for evaluating human walking patterns, and medical shape analysis.
From a vision research point of view, current work is concentrating on:
- Topological data analysis of high dimensional image spaces and medical data.
- Panoramic image analysis for efficient and “work everywhere” robotic vision.
- Free form and 3D shape matching to model complex 3D objects and develop compact representations of these shapes.
- Understanding of texture analysis and synthesis methods for image manipulation and medical image analysis.
The group has strong links with the Department’s Intelligent Robotics group, which is one of the largest and best-known robotics groups in the UK, carrying out research that falls under the umbrella of “unconstrained environments”, in the context of both software and hardware. Biologically inspired models of control and cognition provide a common theme to much of the group’s work. Robot vision systems work has also followed this theme along with more traditional vision techniques. Work in space robotics has been prominent with involvement in Beagle2 and several future Mars missions.