Dr Fred Labrosse
PhD (École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)

Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
Contact Details
- Email: ffl@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6189-1036
- Office: 1.03, Physical Sciences Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622388
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=IhQfEEwAAAAJ
- Research Portal Profile
Dr Labrosse obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, in 1999. After a postdoc in the then Mathematics department, Computing group, University of Bath, UK, he joined the Computer Science department, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK, in 2000.
Module Coordinator
- CS36510 - Space Robotics
- CSS0560 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CSS0660 - Integrated year studying abroad
- PGM1610 - Public Engagement and Impact
- CS26020 - Robotics and Embedded Systems
- CS36510 - Space Robotics
- CS31920 - Advanced Algorithms
- CS36010 - Robotic Applications
- CS39440 - Major Project
- CSM9060 - Dissertation
- CHM9360 - MSC Project
- CSS0560 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CSS0660 - Integrated year studying abroad
- CS36510 - Space Robotics
Dr Labrosse teaches in the various robotics modules offered by the department.
Dr Labrosse's research interests focus on robotics and image processing/machine vision for robotics, specifically in the area of autonomous, off-road, navigation. This includes autonomous driving on ill-defined "roads", cross-field navigation and topological mapping and planning. Dr Labrosse collaborates with a variety of "customers" having real problems to solve in the real world. This includes archaeologists, biologists and geographers. For these applications, Dr Labrosse uses a variety of robots ranging from large wheeled robots to multi-copters and fixed wing air frames. Many of these robots have been designed and built in the Computer Science department for specific applications and general research.