Dr Fred Labrosse

PhD (École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)

Dr Fred Labrosse

Senior Lecturer

Department of Computer Science

Contact Details


Dr Labrosse obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, in 1999.  After a postdoc in the then Mathematics department, Computing group, University of Bath, UK, he joined the Computer Science department, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK, in 2000.


Dr Labrosse's research interests focus on robotics and image processing/machine vision for robotics, specifically in the area of autonomous, off-road, navigation.  This includes autonomous driving on ill-defined "roads", cross-field navigation and topological mapping and planning.  Dr Labrosse collaborates with a variety of "customers" having real problems to solve in the real world.  This includes archaeologists, biologists and geographers.  For these applications, Dr Labrosse uses a variety of robots ranging from large wheeled robots to multi-copters and fixed wing air frames.  Many of these robots have been designed and built in the Computer Science department for specific applications and general research.


Hajzer, SP, Jones, D, Labrosse, F & Shaw, P 2024, Agent-Based Passing Place Management on Single-Track Roads Using the UK Highway Code. in HAI 2024 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. HAI 2024 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 441-443, 12th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, HAI 2024, Swansea, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 24 Nov 2024. 10.1145/3687272.3690911
Fearn, T, Labrosse, F & Shaw, P 2022, Smart wheelchairs: Visual perception pipeline to improve prediction of user intention. in UKRAS22 Conference “Robotics for Unconstrained Environments” Proceedings. UK-RAS Network, pp. 18-19. 10.31256/Ad3Ko8T
Shaw, P, Labrosse, F, Wilson, M, Jones, D, Akanyeti, O, Fearn, T, Holthaus, P, Coughlan, J-L & Knight, M 2022, #UKRAS22: The 5th UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Conference. UKRAS22 Conference "Robotics for Unconstrained Environments" Proceedings, UK-RAS Network. 10.31256/ha9ys9d
Heron, S, Labrosse, F & Shaw, P 2022, Utilising Weather and Terrain Data to Improve Autonomous Navigation. in UKRAS22 Conference “Robotics for Unconstrained Environments” Proceedings. UK-RAS Network, pp. 74-75, UKRAS22 Conference “Robotics for Unconstrained Environments” Proceedings, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 26 Aug 2022. 10.31256/Ji5Of5Z
Roberts, BP, Neal, M, Snooke, N, Labrosse, F, Curteis, T & Fraser, M 2020, 'A bespoke low‐cost system for radio tracking animals using multi‐rotor and fixed‐wing unmanned aerial vehicles', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1427-1433. 10.1111/2041-210X.13464
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