Past Events
Date | Event | Summary |
13 March 2017 | The Rise of National Populism | On Monday, 13th March 2017, the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University and the DDMI hosted a roundtable discussion on the theme of National Populism. The event was chaired by the Director of the DDMI Jan Ruzicka, with speakers including E.H. Carr Professor Richard Beardsworth, Dr. Ali Bilgic of Loughborough University, Dr. Kamila Stullerova, and Dr. Lucy Taylor. |
28 February 2017 | Book Launch by Judith Large | A Book Launch by Judith Large will take place in the Arts Centre Bookshop Tuesday 28th of February. The book is titled 'Push Back: Sri Lanka's Dance with Global Governance'. There will be a drinks reception, all welcome. |
20 February 2017 | Al-Qaeda and Islamic State: Brothers in Arms or Rivals? | The DDMI welcomed Dr. Owen Bennett-Jones for two interesting talks Monday 20th of February. The second talk, titled 'Al-Qaeda and Islamic State: Brothers in Arms or Rivals?', was hosted in the Interpol building and drew a wide audience. |
29 November 2016 | What's Next? Trump in the White House | On Tuesday, 29 November 2016, the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University and the David Davies Memorial Institute sponsored a roundtable discussion entitled ‘What’s Next? Trump in the White House’. Head of the Department and current E.H. Carr Professor Richard Beardsworth chaired the debate; the speakers included Ken Booth, Warren Dockter, Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Jenny Mathers, and Jan Ruzicka. |
14 November 2016 | Britain, Trident, and a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty | On Monday, 14 November 2016, the DDMI welcomed Rebecca Sharkey, the UK Coordinator for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) to host a talk titled 'Britain, Trident, and a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty.' |
27 October 2016 | E.H. Carr Memorial Lecture: Sometimes It Matters Who Is In Power | The 2016 E.H. Carr Memorial Lecture titled ‘Sometimes It Matters Who Is In Power’ by Professor Margaret MacMillan. |
13 October 2016 | Kenneth N. Waltz Annual Lecture: War and International Relations 1400-2100 | The Kenneth N. Waltz Annual Lecture 2016 titled ‘War and International Relations 1400-2100’ by Professor Jeremy Black. |
29 September 2016 | Strategic Narratives of India's Rise in Global Politics | Dr. Monika Barthwal-Datta: "Strategic Narratives of India's Rise in Global Politics." |
31 May 2016 | Moral Obligations to Refugees: Theory, Practice, and Aspiration | Dr Serena Parekh on the ‘Moral Obligations to Refugees: Theory, Practice, and Aspiration.’ |
24 May 2016 | The Truth About Trident: Disarming the Nuclear Argument | 'The Truth About Trident: Disarming the Nuclear Argument' by Timmon Wallis. |
15 March 2016 | Predator or Protector? Framing the Debate on Drones | Chris Coles from Drone Wars UK: Predator or Protector? Framing the Debate on Drones. |
9 March 2016 | IR's Bad Habits - Theorising International Relations and Foreign Policy | Professor Gunther Hellmann: 'IR's Bad Habits - Theorising International Relations and Foreign Policy.' |
18-20 September 2013 | International Conference: Human Dimensions of Climate Change - the Politics of Food and Water Security in Africa | The DDMI and Department of International Politics, with support of IBERS and C3W, hosted a major inter-disciplinary conference on this critical topic. It took place in Interpol on 18-20 Sept 2013. Click to read a near-final draft program, the Storify web story on the conference - with tweets, video, photos, and text - and other photos and videos of the event. |
11-13 September 2013 | International Conference: International Relations Theory Today | The DDMI and Department of International Politics hosted one of Interpol’s landmark international conferences. It was a full, lively, and important discussion of the current state of IR theory by a great gathering of IR scholars. The conference began on the 11th of September and ended on the 13th. Click for video links to all panels and presentations. |
15-16 March 2013 | Conference: Emancipatory Realism: Ken Booth and the Discipline of International Relations | Department of International Politics held an international conference ‘Emancipatory Realism: Ken Booth and the Discipline of International Relations’ on 15–16 March, 2013. The conference examined the contribution of Ken Booth (Director, DDMI) to International Relations Theory and Security Studies. |
24 October 2012 | IPRG Workshop: Can we trust anybody in international politics? | The DDMI’s International Politics Research Group was pleased to host the workshop entitled: ‘Can we trust anybody in international politics?’ The workshop, on 24 October 2012, examined the concept of trust in international politics and applied it to three important cases in today's world. |
30 January 2012 |
'The UNSC in 2011' and 'Outlook for the UNSC in 2012'
The International Politics Research Group hosted a joint guest talk by Greg Quinn and Paul Bentall of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Bentall presented on ‘The UNSC in 2011’ and then Quinn followed with ‘Outlook for the UNSC in 2012’. They were quite interactive and enjoyed spending time answering questions. The event was held in the West Room, International Politics Building, on Monday 30 January 2012. |
27 October 2011 | IPRG Seminar: Robert Keohane | The IPRG was very proud to host a special seminar given by Professor Robert Keohane of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. The informal seminar touching on the IR discipline as a vocation and other topics took place in the Main Hall of the International Politics Building on 27 October 2011. |
5 November 2010 | Trust & Distrust in Yesterday's & Tomorrow's Europe | Dr. Marek Kohn, Fellow of the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics at the University of Brighton, gave a talk entitled "Trust & Distrust in Yesterday's & Tomorrow's Europe" on 5 November 2009 from 13:00 to 15:00 in the Main Hall of the International Politics Building at Aberystwyth University. The following is a summary of the talk: |
7-8 September 2010 | Networking Symposium: Trust-building and the Nuclear Future | The aim of the symposium is to bring together early career researchers, established academics and practitioners working in the fields of trust research and/or nuclear politics. The meeting will provide a forum for interaction between all three groups with a particular view to facilitating professional links for the early career researchers. |
23-24 June 2010 | Workshop: New Approaches to Conflict Transformation - Trust, Empathy, and Dialogue | The aim of the workshop, hosted by the David Davies Memorial Institute, was to examine the role that trust, dialogue and empathy play in transforming conflict in International Relations. The role that these concepts play in identify formation, understanding individual and community needs and interests, representations of gender and security, and decision-making processes mean that they should be at the heart of research on conflict transformation. |
6 November 2009 | Climate Change Symposium | The David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies hosted a symposium on climate change on 6 November 2009 entitled Copenhagen and Climate Change: The Stakes; The Politics in the Main Hall of the International Politics Building at Aberystwyth University. |
22 October 2009 | 'Recent Trends in the UN Security Council' and 'UN Security Council Reform - Why, When, and How' | The David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies hosted a joint talk with speakers from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the 22nd of October 2009. |
01 May 2009 | The Credit Crunch: a Crisis of Trust | The Trust in World Politics reading and discussion group had a seminar in the Main Hall of the International Politics Building at Aberystwyth University with Professor Geoffrey Hosking. |
18 September 2008 | A Universalist in Dark Times: John H. Herz, 1908-2005 | The Institute was delighted to host a seminar by Jana Puglierin (Assistant Professor, North American Studies Program, University of Bonn) entitled 'A Universalist in Dark Times: John H. Herz, 1908-2005' on Thursday 18th September 2008. The event provided a stimulating overview of the life and work of John H. Herz and the Institute was honoured that Professor Waltz attended this seminar. |
12 May 2008 | Theories of Human Security and the Responsibility to Protect | The DDMI was delighted to welcome Diana Amneus (Doctoral candidate in Public International Law, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University) to present a paper based on her research work entitled 'Theories of Human Security and the Responsibility to Protect’. |
20 November 2006 | Seminar by Sir Emyr Jones Parry, UK ambassador to the UN | During a visit to the University on 20th November, Sir Emyr Jones Parry gave a seminar to staff and PhD students in the Departments of International Politics and Law, on the challenges facing the Security Council in relation to the humanitarian catastrophe in Darfur, and the challenges to the nuclear non-proliferation regime posed by Iran and North Korea 's nuclear ambitions. |
26 November 2005 | Religion, Radicalisation, and Terror | In conjunction with the United Nations Association Wales and the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence (CSRV is housed in the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University), the DDMI organised a one day conference on Religion, Radicalisation and Terror at Aberystwyth University on Saturday 26th November 2005. |
25 July 2005 | FCO-UNA National Engagement on UN Reform | In July 2005, the Institute hosted a one day consultation at Aberystwyth University on UN reform, organised by the United Nations Association of the UK. The event was opened by Professor Noel G. Lloyd, Vice-Chancellor and the Mayor of Aberystwyth and featured a keynote address delivered by Lord Hannay of Chiswick. |