Autobiographical Writing

Course Details

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"Writing an autobiography involves more than reporting the facts of your life in chronological order. A good autobiography draws on the techniques of both fiction (vivid description, thinking in scenes, structuring a narrative) and non-fiction (research, analysis, making connections between an individual’s experience and the wider world) to produce a document of interest to readers. In this course we’ll look at – and practise - the elements of the process, guiding you towards constructing a personal approach to your autobiography that inspires you to write it. Autobiographical Writing can be studied as a stand-alone course, but it is also an option module for the Certificate of Higher Education in Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University.  ASSESSMENTS
A 2000 word structured piece of autobiographical writing (75%)
A 500 word proposal for a piece of autobiographical writing (25%) "


This module is at CQFW Level 4