Natural History Illustration


Student Profile: Thuy Bui Howarth from Vietnam

Thuy Bui Howarth from Vietnam

The reasons behind my application for the Certificate of Higher Education: Natural History Studies 

The more I learn about plants, flowers, animals, insects and ecology, the more I am shocked at how much we humans have destroyed the ecosystem and environment. I wish I can contribute a very small part to change this sad fact by spreading my illustrations as well as Botanical knowledge to the world. And the only way that I can do it is through learning. 

Being a Vietnamese person living in Europe (Switzerland), I started to grow interest in Botanical Illustration just very recently. This is a brand new profession that does not exist in Vietnam yet, in any formal academic training programme as far as I know. Therefore in near future, if possible, I would like to create a place for Vietnamese Botanical artists and Botanists to meet up, learn and discuss to profit the Vietnamese ecosystem and help people understand more about the importance of plants, flowers, animals, insects and what each and everyone of us can do to make our Earth greener.