Genealogical Studies: Optional Modules

In addition to the 30 credits of core modules, you can also follow your own particular interests within the field of genealogy, history and archaeology, by selecting your remaining 90 credits from a diverse range of optional modules.

These optional modules are worth 10 credits, unless otherwise stated.


How to Begin Researching the History of Your House (5 credit; online)

Architectural History: the archaeology of our built environment (online)

Richard III: Life and Legacy (online)

Introduction to Archaeology for Beginners (online)

An Introduction to Family History Sources at the National Library of Wales (5 credit)

Deciphering Old Handwriting: Palaeography for Beginners (online)

Reading Historical Documents: Deciphering Old Handwriting (20 credit)

Look Who’s Talking: Planning an Oral History Project (5 credit)

The Archaeology and Anthropology of Death and Burial

Archaeology of the Welsh Graveyard


Local History 1

Writing History for Publication

Welsh Landed Estates: The Gentry and The People

Twentieth Century Family History

Herstory 1: Researching Women’s History

Herstory 2: Writing and Presenting Women’s History (20 credit)

Maids, Wives, Widows, Whores: the Lives of Medieval Women

The “Weaker Vessel”: Roles of Women in the Seventeenth Century

Presentation and Public Speaking for All (5 credit)