Natural History Studies: Certificate of Higher Education

Natural History Studies is the study of the natural world, recording in detail the unique species of life on earth. An opportunity for Art to meet Science on equal terms. Studies will make connections and be underpinned with contextual and historical referencing. You will study art techniques of scaling up, composition, colour mixing, identification, but also ecology.

This is designed for both distance learners and local learners, in equal measure. All the core modules are designed for distance self-paced online learning that you can access at a time that suits you. Our online learning is packed with video demonstrations, activities, tasks and discussion opportunities, all supported by tutorials and trickle feedback.

We also deliver some modules face-to-face at locations across Wales, giving you an opportunity to learn with others and visit habitats and gain a greater experience of working on location. We also collaborate with Welsh field study centres and venues where you can get up close and personal to wildlife.

There are opportunities to broaden your knowledge and skills when selecting your optional modules. These can include a wide variety of identification modules from within the Ecology programme. You could learn more about woodland bird calls, the diversity of invertebrates, how to identify plants, plus many more. These modules are available to study either online or as blended or in-person learning. 

All face-to-face teaching is supported by online activities so that you can gain the most from being with your tutor. These are usually full day sessions; why not treat yourself, book an Airbnb and make a learning holiday.

Natural History Studies Framework