Comparison with non-EU HE Qualifications

 UK 2ii Honours standard  Good 2ii Honours UK 2i Honours standard  UK 1st Class Honours standard

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 12.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 13.3

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 14.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier/d'Architecte d'Etat, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieurs: 16.0


Licenciado / Professional title (4-year course): Public University 6.00

other insitutions 6.50

Licanciado/ Professional title (4-year course):

Public University 6.98

other institutions 7.48

Licenciado / Professional title (4-year course): Public University 7.50

other institutions 8.00

 Licenciado / Professional title (4-year course): Public University 8.50

other instititions 9.00

 Bachelor's Honours:2.2 / 2B / Credit 60%-69%
Bachelor's Ordinary: 2.1 / 2A / Distinction 70%-79% 

Bachelors Honours: 66.5%

Bachelors Ordinary: 76.5%

 Bachelor's Honours:2.1 / 2A / Distinction 70%-79%
Bachelor's Ordinary: 1st Class / High Distinction 80%-100%
 Bachelor's Honours:: 1st Class / High Distinction 80%-100%
Azerbaijan Bakalavr Diplomu or Diplomu: 3.50

Bakalavr Diplomu or Diplomu: 3.83

Bakalavr Diplomu or Diplomu: 4.0 Bakalavr Diplomu or Diplomu: 4.5


Bachelors: 2.60

Bachelors: 2.93

Bachelors: 3.10 bachelors: 3.60



Bachelor Honours degree (4 years in duration) from BUET: 45% 2nd Class

BachelorHonours from University of Dhaka and University of Chittagong;  2nd Class.

Bachelors from  University of Rajshahi and Kuhlna University: 2nd Class + subject to individual assessment and interview by relevant AU staff

Bachelor Honours degree from: North South University; Independent University; International Islamic University; American International University; East West University; BRAC University; University of Development Alternative; Stamford University; Daffodil International University; Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology: at least cGPA 3.00.

Other HEIs: MA, MSc, MCom, LLM: 52% 2nd Class 

Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) / Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery: 52%

Bachelors Honours (4-year) from BUET: 49.50%

Bachelors from University of Dhaka or University of Chittagong: 54.75%

Bachelors from: North South Univ.; Independent Univ.; International Islamic Univ.; American International Univ.; East West Univ.;BRAC Univ.; Univ. of Development Altarnative; Stamford Univ.' Daffodil International University; Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology; at least cGPA 3.33.

Other HEIs: MA, MSc, MCom, LLM: 57.2%

Bachelors of Medicine Bachelor Surgery (MBBS): 57.2%

Bachelor Honours degree (4 years in duration) from BUET: 52% 2nd Class

Bachelor Honours degree from University of Dhaka and University of Chittagong; 1st Class.

Bachelor Honours degree from: North South University; Independent University; International Islamic University; American International University; East West University; BRAC University; University of Development Alternative; Stamford University; Daffodil International University, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology: at least cGPA 3.50.

Other HEIs: MA, MSc, MCom, LLM: 60% 1st Class

Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) / Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery: 60% 

Bachelor Honours degree (4 years in duration) from BUET: 60% 1st Class


Masters: 60.0% or GPA 3.00

Masters: 66.5% or GPA 3.65

Masters: 70.0% or GPA 4.00 Masters: 80.0% or GPA 5.00
 Brazil   Bacharel / Licenciado / Professional title (4 years or more) - 6.00 Bacharel/Licenciado/professional title ( 4 years or more) - 6.65  Bacharel / Licenciado / Professional title (4 years or more) -  7.00   Bacharel / Licenciado / Professional title (4 years or more) - 8.50
Brunei Darussalam  Bachelor's Honours: 2ii
Bachelor's Ordinary 2i 

Bachelor's Honours: 56.5%

Bachelor's Ordinary: 66.5%

 Bachelor's Honours: 2i
Bachelor's Ordinary 1st 
 Bachelor's Honours: 1st


Bachelor's Honours
3.00 on 9pt. scale

3.00 on 12pt. scale
68% where pass mark 60%
62% where pass mark 50%
GPA 2.30

Bachelor's Honours

3.70 on 9pt scale

4.05 on 12pt scale

72.5% where pass mark 60%

67.2% where pass mark 50%


GPA 2.76


Bachelor's Honours
5.00 on 9pt. scale

6.00 on 12-pt. scale
75% where pass mark 60%
70% where pass mark 50%
GPA 3.00

 Bachelor's Honours

7.40 on 9pt. scale

9.60 on 12pt. scale

82% where pass mark 60%

82% where pass mark 50%


GPA 3.60



Licenciatura: 5.00

Titulo: 5.50 

Licenciature: 5.33

Titulo: 5.83

Licenciatura: 5.50

Titulo: 6.00

Licenciatura: 6.00

 P.R. China Xueshi /学士学位  (4-year Bachelor's degree)
Prestigious Universities: final average 66.0%

National Universities: final average 75.0%

 Xueshi (4-year Bachelor's degree)

Prestigious Universtities: 69.9%

national Universities: 79.6%

Xueshi/ 学士学位 (4-year Bachelor's degree)
Prestigious Universities: final average 72.0%

National Universities: final average 82.0%

Xueshi/ 学士学位 (4-year Bachelor's degree)

Prestigious Universities: final average 80.0%

National Universities: final average 90.0%


cGPA 3.20

cGPA 3.46

cGPA 3.60

cGPA 4.00



Bachelor of Arts (from a Public or Private University): 65%
Bachelor of Science (from a Public or Private University): 65%

Bachelors from the American University in Cairo: cGPA 2.70

BA (from a Public or Private Univ.): 74.8%

BSc (from a Public or Private Univ.;): 71.5%

Bachelors from the American Univ. in Cairo: cGPA 3.03

Bachelor of Arts (from a Public or Private University): 80%
Bachelor of Science (from a Public or Private University): 75%

Bachelors from the American University in Cairo: cGPA 3.20

Bachelor of Arts (from a Public or Private University): 90%

Bachelor of Science (from a Public or Private University): 85% Bachelors from the American University in Cairo: cGPA 3.70

Ghana Bachelor's 2ii Honours/GPA 2.5 Bachelor's Honours with cGPA 2.83 Bachelor's 2i Honours/GPA 3.0 Bachelor's 1st Honours/GPA 3.6

Hong Kong

Bachelors Honours: 2ii (or GPA 2.50)

Bachelors Ordinary: 2ii (or GPA 3.00)

Bachelors Honours: 2ii (or GPA 2.85)

Bachelors Ordinary: 2i (or GPA 3.46)

Bachelors Honours: 2.i (or GPA 3.00)

Bachelors Ordinary: 1st (or GPA 3.70)

Bachelors Honours: 1st (or GPA 3.70)



Baccalaurreatus: 6.5

Baccalaurreatus: 7.2

Baccalaurreatus: 7.5

Baccalaurreatus: 9.0





II Class (50%)

 Bachelors: 53.25%


II Class (55%)


I Class (60%)


Sarjana (S1): GPA 2.50


Sarjana (S1): cGPA 2.83


Sertifikat Sarjana (S1): GPA 3.00

Sarjana (S1): GPA 3.60 



Licence: (Private/Azad) 14.0+

Licence: (State) 13.0+

Licence: (Tehran Univ.) 12.0+

Licence: (Private/Azad) 14.7+

Licence (State): 13.7+

Licence (Tehran Univ.): 12.7+

Licence: (Private/Azad) 15.0+

Licence: (State) 14.0+

Licence: (Tehran Univ.) 13.0+

Licence: (Private/Azad) 16.0+

Licence: (State) 15.0+

Licence: (Tehran Univ.) 14.0+


Guide only as currently subject to individual assessment by the UK NARIC
Masters: 60%  Masters: 66.5% Masters: 70% Masters: 80%
 Jamaica  Bachelor's Honours degree: 2ii  Bachelor's Honours degree: 65.5% Bachelor's Honours degree: 2i  Bachelor's Honours degree: 1st
 Japan   Bachelor degree (Gakushi): cGPA 2.00 or average of 67% or at least C grades in 90% of the courses

Bachelor degree (Gakushi): cGPA 2.65 or average of 72.5% or at least B grades in 70% of courses

Bachelor degree (Gakushi): cGPA 3.00 or average of 75% or at least B grades in 90% of the courses

Bachelor degree (Gakushi):
cGPA 3.70 or average of 85% or at least A grades in 90% of the courses
Jordan  Bachelor's degree: GPA 2.50 / Grade C / 63%  Bachelor's degree: GPA 2.83 / 71% Bachelor's degree: GPA 3.00 / Grade B / 75% Bachelor's degree: GPA 3.60 / Grade A / 92%
Bachelor's degree: 2ii / GPA 2.30  Bachelor's degree: GPA 2.76 Bachelor's degree: 2i / GPA 3.00 Bachelor's degree: 1st / GPA 3.70
Kuwait Bachelor's degree cGPA 2.70

Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.09

Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.30 Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.70
Liberia Masters: 65.0%

Masters: 71.5%

Masters: 75.0% Masters: 85.0%
Bachelor's degree (from a university): 80.0% or cGPA: 3.00
Bachelor's degree in Architecture, Engineering or Medicine (from a university): 75.0% or cGPA: 2.50 

Bachelor's degree (from a university): 83.3% or cGPA 3.33

Bachelor's degree in Architecture, Engineering or Medicine (university): 78.3% or cGPA 3.83

Bachelor's degree (from a university): 85.0% or cGPA: 3.50
Bachelor's degree in Architecture, Engineering or Medicine (from a university): 80.0% or cGPA: 3.00
Bachelor's degree in Architecture, Engineering or Medicine (from a university): 85.0% cGPA: 3.60 
 Macedonia  Bachelor degree (Bologna award): 5.90
Visoko Obrazovanja (4 to 6 year course): 6.7

 Bachelor degree (Bologna award): 6.29

Visoko Obrazovanja (4 to 6 years): 7.22

Bachelor degree (Bologna award): 6.70

Visoko Obrazovanja (4 to 6 year course): 7.5

Bachelor degree (Bologna award): 7.50
Malawi  Master's degree: Pass with Credit (60% to 69%) Masters Pass with Credit (66.5%) Master's degree: Pass with  marginal Distinction (70% to 74%) Master's degree: Pass with  Distinction (75%)
 Malaysia Bachelor's 2ii Honours / GPA 2.75 Bachelor's Honours with cGPA 3.08  Bachelor's 2i Honours / GPA 3.25 Bachelor's 1st Honours / GPA 3.75
Licenciado / Professional title (when awarded after 4 years): 7.50 (bien) Licenciado / Professional title (when awarded after 4 years): 8.15 Licenciado / Professional title (when awarded after 4 years): 8.50 (muy bien) Licenciado / Professional title (when awarded after 4 years): 9.50 (excellent)


Diploma de Licenta: 6.00

 Diploma de Licenta: 6.65

 Diploma de Licenta: 7.00

Diploma de Licenta: 8.00


Licence, Diplôme d'Inéniuer d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 11.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 12.3

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 13.0

Licence, Diplôme d'Ingénier d'Etat, Diplôme du Cycle Normal: 15.0


4-year Bachelors: 65.0%

otherwise Masters: 65.0%

4-year Bachelors: 74.75%

otherwise Masters: 74.75%

4-year Bachelors: 80.0%

otherwise Masters: 80.0%

4-year Bachelor: 90.0%

otherwise Masters: 90.0%

New Zealand

Bachelor's Honours degree: e.g. B-

Bachelor's degree: e.g. B+

Bachelor's Honours degree: B

Bachelor's degree: A

 Bachelor's Honours degree: e.g. B+

Bachelor's degree: e.g. A

Bachelor's Honours degree: e.g. A

Bachelor's deegree:

2ii Honours

GPA 2.40  (on 5pt. scale) 

Bachelor's degree:

2ii Honours with 56.5% min.

GPA 3.12  (on 5 pt. scale)

Bachelor's degree:

2i Honours

GPA 3.50 (on 5 pt. scale)

Bachelor's degree:

1st Honours

GPA 4.50  (on 5pt. scale)

  • Bachelor's degree (from 2003)
  • Candidatus Magisterii
  • Sivilingeniør (siv. ing.)
  • Siviløkonom (siv. øk.)

(before 2002) final average between 3.2 and 2.6

(from 2002) at least D grades in all subjects

  • Bachelor's degree (from 2003)
  • Candidatus magisterii
  • Sivilingenior (
  • Sivilokonom (siv. Ok.)

(before 2002) final average 2.755

(from 2002) B grades in at least 40% of subjects and at least C grades in 40% of remainder.

  • Bachelor's degree (from 2003)
  • Candidatus Magisterii
  • Sivilingeniør (siv. ing.)
  • Siviløkonom (siv. øk.)
(before 2002) final average between 2.5 and 1.6

(from 2002) B grades in at least 50% of subjects and at least C grades for the remainder

  • Bachelor's degree (from 2003)
  • Candidatus Magisterii
  • Sivilingeniør (siv. ing.)
  • Siviløkonom (siv. øk.)
(before 2002) final average between  1.0 and 1.5

(from 2002) A grades in at least 50% of subjects and at least C grades for the remainder

Oman Bachelors: 2.60 Bachelors: 2.93 Bachelors: 3.10 Bachelors: 3.60
  • Bachelor Degree (4-year): II (55%) or GPA 2.60
  • Master’s Degree (following 2 or 3 year Bachelors): II (55%) or GPA 2.60

  • Bachelor Degree (4-year): 58.3% or GPA 3.00
  • Master's degree (following a 2 or 3 year Bachelors): 58.3% or GPA 3.00
  • Bachelor Degree (4-year): I (60%) or GPA 3.20
  • Master’s Degree (following a 2 or 3 year Bachelors): II (55%) or GPA 3.20

Qatar Bachelors: 2.60 Bachelors: 2.93 Bachelors: 3.10 Bachelors: 3.60
  • Bakalavr (since 1991): overall average at least 4.5
  • Specialist Diploma (before 1991):overall average at least 4.5
  • Bakalavr (from 2009): overall average at least 3.5
  • Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991): overall average at least 3.0
  • Magistr: overall average at least 4.0
  • Bakalavr (since 1991): overall avaerage at least 4.83
  • Specialist diploma (before 1991):overall average at least 4.83
  • Bakalavr (from 2009) overall average at least 3.83
  • Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991): overall average at least 3.65
  • Magistr: overall average at least 4.33
  • Bakalavr (since 1991): overall average of 5
  • Specialist Diploma (before 1991): overall average of 5
  • Bakalavr (from 2009): overall average of 4.0
  • Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991): : overall average of 4.0
  • Magistr: overall average of 4.5
  • Bakalavr (from 2009): overall average of 4.5

  • Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991): : overall average of 4.5

  • Magistr: overall average of 5


 Saudi Arabia  Bachelor's degree: cGPA 3.00 / 70.0% Bachelor's degree: cGPA 3.52 / 77.8%  Bachelor's degree:c GPA 3.80 / 82.0%  Bachelor's degree: cGPA 4.50 / 92.0%
Serbia Diplomirani/ Bachelor's degree: 7.20 Diplomirani/ Bachelor's degree: 7.92  Diplomirani/ Bachelor's degree: 8.30  Diplomirani/ Bachelor's degree: 9.40
 South Africa
  • Bachelor's Honours: 2ii / 60%

  • Bachelor's Ordinary: 2i / 67%

  • Bachelor's Honours: 66.5%
  • Bachelor's Ordinary: 72.2%
  • Bachelor's Honours: 2i / 70%

  • Bachelor's Ordinary: I / 75% / Distinction

Bachelor's Honours: I / 75% / Distinction
South Korea   Bachelor (Haksa) degree cGPA 3.00  Bachelor (Haksa) degree cGPA 3.33  Bachelor (Haksa) degree cGPA 3.50 Bachelor (Haksa) degree cGPA 4.00
Sri Lanka 
  • Bachelor's Special degree: 2ii (55%)
  • Bachelor's General degree: 2i (60%)
  • Bachelor's Special degree: 58.3%
  • Bachelor's General degree: 66.5%
  • Bachelor's Special degree: 2i (60%)
  • Bachelor's General degree: I (70%)
 Bachelor's Special degree: I (70%)
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Diplom / Diplôme; Lizentiat / Licence; Staatsdiplom / Diplôme d'Etat
  • Fachhochschule Diplom (FH) / Hautes Écoles Specialisées Diplôme

Weighted average at least 4,0

N.B. based on most common marking system

  • Bachelor Degree
  • Diplom/Diploma; Lizentiat/Licence; Staatsdiplom/Diploma d'Etat
  • Fachhochsule Diplom (FH)/Hautes Ecoles Specialisees Diploma

Weighted average at least 4,7

N.B. based on most common marking system

  • Bachelor Degree
  • Diplom / Diplôme; Lizentiat / Licence; Staatsdiplom / Diplôme d'Etat
  • Fachhochschule Diplom (FH) / Hautes Écoles Specialisées Diplôme

Weighted average at least 5,0

N.B. based on most common marking system

  • Bachelor Degree

  • Diplom / Diplôme; Lizentiat / Licence; Staatsdiplom / Diplôme d'Etat

  • Fachhochschule Diplom (FH) / Hautes Écoles Specialisées Diplôme

Weighted average at least 5,6

N.B. based on most common marking system


  • Bachelor Degree (in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Architecture, Engineering) 65.0%
  • Bachelor Degree in any other subject: 70.0%
  • Bachelor Degree (in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Architecture, Engineering) 71.5%
  • Bachelor degree in any other subject: 76.5%
  • Bachelor Degree (in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Architecture, Engineering) 75.0%
  • Bachelor Degree in any other subject: 80.0%
  • Bachelor Degree (in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Architecture, Engineering) 85.0%

  • Bachelor Degree in any other subject: 90.0%

  • Bachelor's degree: 65%
 Bachelor's degree: 71.5%
  • Bachelor's degree: 75%
  •  Bachelor's degree from: 85%
  • Bachelor's degree cGPA 2.50 / 70.0%
  • Bachelor's degree from Thammasat University cGPA 2.30
  • Bachelor's degree cGPA 2.83 / 76.5%
  • Bachelor's degree from Thammasat University cGPA 2.63
  • Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.00 / 80.0%
  • Bachelor's degree from Thammasat University cGPA 2.80
  • Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.50 / 90.0%
  • Bachelor's degree from Thammasat University cGPA 3.20

Following universities:

  • Akdeniz University;
  • Anadolu University;
  • Ankara University;
  • Atatürk University;
  • Bahcesehir University;
  • Baskent University, Ankara;
  • Beykent, Istanbul;
  • Bilkent University;
  • Bogaziçi (Boshorus) University;
  • Bilgi University;
  • Cankaya University, Ankara;
  • Celal Bayar University;
  • Çukurova University;
  • Dogus, Istanbul;
  • Dokuz Eylul University;
  • Ege University;
  • Erciyes University;
  • Gazi University;
  • Galatasaray University;
  • Hacettepe University;
  • Istanbul Kultur;
  • Istanbul Technical University;
  • Istanbul Ticaret;
  • Istanbul University;
  • Izmir Ekonomi University, Izmir;
  • Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir;
  • Kadir Has, Istanbul;
  • Karadeniz Technical University;
  • Koc University;
  • Marmara University;
  • Middle East Technical University;
  • Mimar Sinan University;
  • Osmangazi University;
  • Sabanci University;
  • TOBB Economics and Technology;
  • Trakya University;
  • Uludag University;
  • Yasar University, Izmir;
  • Yeditepe University (law and engineering);
  • Yildiz Technical University:

Lisans Diplomasi cGPA 2.20

Other universities: cGPA 2.70 or 65%

Following univeristies:

  • Akdeniz University;
  • Anadolu University;
  • Ankara University;
  • Atatürk University;
  • Bahcesehir University;
  • Baskent University, Ankara; Beykent, Istanbul;
  • Bilkent University;
  • Bogaziçi (Boshorus) University;
  • Bilgi University;
  • Cankaya University, Ankara;
  • Celal Bayar University;
  • Çukurova University;
  • Dogus, Istanbul;
  • Dokuz Eylul University;
  • Ege University;
  • Erciyes University;
  • Gazi University;
  • Galatasaray University;
  • Hacettepe University;
  • Istanbul Kultur;
  • Istanbul Technical University;
  • Istanbul Ticaret;
  • Istanbul University;
  • Izmir Ekonomi University, Izmir;
  • Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir;
  • Kadir Has, Istanbul;
  • Karadeniz Technical University;
  • Koc University;
  • Marmara University;
  • Middle East Technical University;
  • Mimar Sinan University;
  • Osmangazi University;
  • Sabanci University;
  • TOBB Economics and Technology;
  • Trakya University;
  • Uludag University;
  • Yasar University, Izmir;
  • Yeditepe University (law and engineering);
  • Yildiz Technical University:

Lisans Diplomasi cGPA 2.60

 Other universities: cGPA 2.90 or 72%

Following universities:

  • Akdeniz University;
  • Anadolu University;
  • Ankara University;
  • Atatürk University;
  • Bahcesehir University;
  • Baskent University, Ankara;
  • Beykent, Istanbul;
  • Bilkent University; Bogaziçi (Boshorus) University;
  • Bilgi University;
  • Cankaya University, Ankara;
  • Celal Bayar University;
  • Çukurova University;
  • Dogus, Istanbul;
  • Dokuz Eylul University;
  • Ege University;
  • Erciyes University;
  • Gazi University;
  • Galatasaray University;
  • Hacettepe University;
  • Istanbul Kultur;
  • Istanbul Technical University;
  • Istanbul Ticaret;
  • Istanbul University;
  • Izmir Ekonomi University, Izmir;
  • Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir;
  • Kadir Has, Istanbul;
  • Karadeniz Technical University;
  • Koc University;
  • Marmara University;
  • Middle East Technical University;
  • Mimar Sinan University;
  • Osmangazi University;
  • Sabanci University;
  • TOBB Economics and Technology; 
  • Trakya University;
  • Uludag University;
  • Yasar University, Izmir;
  • Yeditepe University (law and engineering);
  • Yildiz Technical University:

Lisans Diplomasi cGPA 2.80

Other universities: cGPA 3.00 or 75%

Following universities:

  • Akdeniz University;
  • Anadolu University;
  • Ankara University;
  • Atatürk University;
  • Bahcesehir University;
  • Baskent University, Ankara;
  • Beykent, Istanbul;
  • Bilkent University;
  • Bogaziçi (Boshorus) University;
  • Bilgi University;
  • Cankaya University, Ankara;
  • Celal Bayar University;
  • Çukurova University;
  • Dogus, Istanbul;
  • Dokuz Eylul University;
  • Ege University;
  • Erciyes University;
  • Gazi University;
  • Galatasaray University;
  • Hacettepe University;
  • Istanbul Kultur;
  • Istanbul Technical University;
  • Istanbul Ticaret;
  • Istanbul University;
  • Izmir Ekonomi University, Izmir;
  • Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir;
  • Kadir Has, Istanbul;
  • Karadeniz Technical University;
  • Koc University;
  • Marmara University;
  • Middle East Technical University;
  • Mimar Sinan University;
  • Osmangazi University;
  • Sabanci University;
  • TOBB Economics and Technology; 
  • Trakya University;
  • Uludag University;
  • Yasar University, Izmir;
  • Yeditepe University (law and engineering);
  • Yildiz Technical University:

Lisans Diplomasi cGPA 3.50

Other universities: cGPA 3.60 or 85%

Uganda  Bachelor's 2ii Honours/cGPA 2.70  Bachelor's Honours cGPA 3.29  Bachelor's 2i Honours/cGPA 3.60  Bachelor's 1st Honours/cGPA 4.40

Bakalavra (from 2008): 3.50

Specialist Diploma: 3.00

Bakalavra (from 2008): 3.83

Specialist Diploma: 3.65

Bakalavra (from 2008): 4.00

Specialist Diploma: 4.00

Bakalavra from 2008): 4.50

Speclialist Diploma: 4.50 

 United Arab Emirates  Bachelor's degree cGPA 2.60  Bachelor's degree cGPA 2.93  Bachelor's degree GPA 3.10  Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.60
 United States of America    Bachelor's degree  cGPA 2.60  Bachelor's degree cGPA 2.93  Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.10  Bachelor's degree cGPA 3.60

Bakalavr Diplomi (Bachelor's degree) 63%

Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) 63%

Bakalavr Diplomi (Bachelor's degree) 73%

Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) 68%

Bakalavr Diplomi (Bachelor's degree) 86%

Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) 73%

Diplomi (Specialist Diploma) 86%


Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Đại Học                     (Bachelor degree)                6.50

 Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc (Bachelor degree) 7.50

Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Đại Học                     (Bachelor degree)                8.00

Thạc sĩ  (Master's degree)                


Masters: 3.00

Masters: 3.33

Masters: 3.50

Masters: 4.00


Bachelors Honours: 2.ii (60.0%)

Bachelors general: 2.i (65.0%)

Bachelors Honours: 2ii (66.5%)

Bachelors general: 2i (71.5%)

Bachelors Honours: 2.i (65.0%)

Bachelors general: 1st (75.0%+)

Bachelors Honours: 1st (75.0%+)