Student Experience FAQs

  • 1. What is the SES?
  • 2. When does the SES take place?
  • 3. What does the SES cover?
  • 4. Why does the University conduct SES?
  • 5. How many SESs are there to complete?
  • 6. Is filling out SES compulsory?
  • 7. How do I take part?
  • 8. Why should I take part?
  • 9. How are the results used?
  • 10. Which modules are being surveyed?
  • 11. Free text comments - can I write what I like?
  • 12. Is the SES available in Welsh?
  • 13. Is the SES anonymous?
  • 14. I don't want to answer that question/complete the SES
  • 15. How are the results shared?
  • 16. What do the different responses mean?
  • 17. How are the SES results calculated?
  • 18. Is the SES and NSS (National Student Survey) the same survey?
  • 19. Who will administer the survey?
  • 20. Who operates the online system?
  • 21. How can I find out more about the SES?
  • 22. What if the survey doesn't work for me?
  • 23. How do I see what is done as the result of my feedback?
  • 24. Do all students answer the same questions?
  • 25. Can I change or withdraw my SES responses?
  • 26. Can I complete an SES after the closing date?
  • 27. How can I be sure that my views expressed in the SES are acted upon?