REF: 66-2402-1124426 - Desk Treadmills

Your comment: As a final year student this couldn't be implemented in time to help me, but treadmill desks in the sport centre would be incredible for student health; I'm missing out on the exercise I normally do and gaining weight because I have to spend all my time sat down working on my dissertation, but having a treadmill desk available would help a lot with that.

Our response:

Thank you for the email and I appreciate there are adaptations made to home based gym equipment, unfortunately I would not see this as a direction we would support in terms of health and safety. There are benefits that can be used within the apps set on the treadmill consoles for reading work but not for writing. I do think with a little planning, the work and exercise would support each other in a separate capacity rather than trying to achieve both at the same time. Time away from studying to exercise will help you relax mentally along with providing you with an energy, mood and motivation boosts. Remember low oxygen levels reduce our ability to concentrate, physical activity increase the flow of oxygen to you brain and improve concentration levels when you get back to studying.