Plan your visit

To get the most out of your visit to Aberystwyth University, we advise you to plan your day in advance.
You can visit us through a number of different ways and remember to book your place before arriving.
Further logistical suggestions for planning your visit are below.
Finding us is easy, no matter what mode of transport you decide to use. Our Maps and Travel Pages have detailed information on getting to Aberystwyth.
If you’re coming by train during an Open Day or Applicant Visiting Day, there will be shuttle buses waiting for you at the train station to bring you to Penglais Campus.
If you’re visiting during other events, there are a number of bus services regularly traveling to Penglais Campus. Alternatively, adjacent to the Railway Station is the Taxi Rank; or on foot the walk to Penglais Campus takes approximately 20 minutes.
There are plenty of B&Bs, guest houses and hotels in and around Aberystwyth. You can contact Aberystwyth Tourist Information Centre: 01970 612 125 / or visit the Discover Ceredigion website.
Parking on Campus
During events such as Open Days and Applicant Visiting Days, there will be specific parking signage for you to follow. We will also have University staff directing visitors to car parking spaces.
If you are visiting us during other times or events such as a Campus Tour, please visit the Porter's Lodge to request a visitor's parking permit. The Porter’s Lodge is the first building on the left hand side as you arrive on Penglais Campus. University staff will be able to direct you to the car parking spaces available on the day.
We have plenty of Places to Eat on Campus where you can enjoy a full lunch or a cup of tea and cake. There are also two cafés in the Arts Centre serving home-made hot food.
There are also a number of cafés, bars and restaurants in the town offering a wide range of choices, a great choice if you’d like to explore the town a little more.