Rhys Dafydd Jones

Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Contact Details
- Email: rhj@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1231-7529
- Office: K5, Llandinam Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622647
- Research Portal Profile
- Personal Pronouns: He / Him
Rhys is a social geographer interested in migration, multiculturalism, civic participation, and belonging. He is co-convenor of the WISERD research network Migration Research Wales, and co-director of the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society.
Module Coordinator
- DA20510 - Ymchwilio i bobl a lle
- DA23020 - Lleoli Gwleidyddiaeth
- DA32220 - Cenedlaetholdeb a chymdeithas
- GS10220 - Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces
- DA10520 - Newid a gwrthdaro: Cynhyrchu gofodau gwledig a threfol
- GS23020 - Placing Politics
- GS10220 - Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces
- DA10520 - Newid a gwrthdaro: Cynhyrchu gofodau gwledig a threfol
- DA32220 - Cenedlaetholdeb a chymdeithas
- GS23020 - Placing Politics
- DA20510 - Ymchwilio i bobl a lle
- DA23020 - Lleoli Gwleidyddiaeth
- GS23020 - Placing Politics
- DA23020 - Lleoli Gwleidyddiaeth
- DA34040 - Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- GS21520 - Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- DA25420 - Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
- GS20020 - Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- GS25020 - Sociological Theory
- GS31240 - Sociology Dissertation
- GS14220 - Place and Identity
Rhys' research interests are broadly concerned with migration, multiculturalism, civic participation, and belonging. Specifically, he is interested in lifestyle migration and regional inequalities, transnational belonging and non-beloning in minority nations (largely focussing on EU migration and Brexit in Wales), international migration and religious diversity in rural regions, and civic participation as place-making activities.
Co-director, Centre for Welsh Politics and Society
Programme Co-ordinator, BA Human Geography, BSc Daearyddiaeth, BSc Physical Geography.
DGES Welsh language provision coordinator
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Monday 16:30-17:30
- Tuesday 09:30-10:30