Dr Anoush Simon

BA, MSc, PhD

Dr Anoush Simon

Senior Lecturer in Information Studies

Head of Information Studies

Department of Information Studies

Contact Details


I have been a member of the Dept since 2003, and completed my PhD in 2004. Before this, I worked in the library at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, and also worked in the book trade for several years. Between completing my MSc (Sheffield University) and commencing my PhD studies, I worked at the North West Film Archive in Manchester and for BBC Information and Archives in London. I have an enduring interest in film and photo archives.

Additional Information

Professional Activities

Member of CILIP; Career Development Group


Module Coordinator
Attendance Dept Admin
Blackboard Dept Admin

Postgraduate Dissertation supervision


My research and teaching interests centre on the impact of technology on society and in particular the information profession, and include information society theory; social exclusion and the digital divide; ICT and community, gender and IT; library workers - careers and motivations.


Simon, A & Tyler, A 2021, 'Universal Credit and Public Libraries in Wales: A scoping study into digital exclusion and digital by default', Paper presented at CILIP Cymru Wales Conference 2021, 20 May 2021 - 21 May 2021.
Simon, A & Tyler, A 2019, Universal Credit and public libraries in Wales: A scoping study into digital inclusion and digital by default.
McGuinness, DM & Simon, A 2018, 'Information disclosure, privacy behaviours, and attitudes regarding employer surveillance of social networking sites', IFLA Journal, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 203-222. 10.1177/0340035218785389
Mervyn, K, Simon, AM & Allen, DK 2014, 'Digital inclusion and social inclusion: a tale of two cities', Information, Communication & Society, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1086-1104. 10.1080/1369118X.2013.877952
Merry, SK & Simon, AM 2012, 'Living and Lurking on LiveJournal: benefits of active and non-active membership', Aslib Proceedings, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 241-261. 10.1108/00012531211244527
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