Citation Guidelines

Students producing assessed work within the Department of Information Studies are required to acknowledge and identify the work, words and ideas of others where this is incorporated into assignments.  This should be done by adhering to an established and appropriate citation style.

The Department supports the use of Harvard APA for most academic assignments.

Harvard APA will be introduced in study skills sessions for new students. It will be supported by the issue of resource guides which will be issued in hard copy at the introductory session and also made available online on Blackboard in the SKIP Study Skills area.

Use of citation styles other than Harvard APA

Students may use any recognised citation style that is appropriate to the work they are undertaking, including MLA.

If a style other than Harvard APA is used this should be noted on the bibliography/list of works consulted page of the assignment.

Where a published style guide has been used to inform citation practice in producing an assignment a note of the publication details for the style guide should be included with the assignment.

Support for citation

Further information regarding the Harvard APA citation style is available here