Anna - BSc Countryside Management

Westgate Parks Development Officer, Kent County Council (Countryside Partnerships)

"I wouldn’t have even been short-listed for my current job without my BSc Hons in Countryside Management as it was an ‘essential’ requirement on the person specification. Knowledge obtained from the degree course in combination with experience of putting this knowledge into action (working as an Education Officer for the past 5 years), gave me the confidence to answer all interview questions and get my dream job!The course covered many aspects which were required for this job role including modules on interpretation, environmental education, natural and heritage features and there management, visitor surveying and wildlife surveying. Like everyone I speak to who has studied at Aberystwyth I cannot rate the course highly enough. The lecturers are fantastic and their experience of working in the field combined with research of their particular subject areas means the content of the course is up-to-date. The course has given me the grounding required to start as a countryside trainee and progress up the career ladder."

Helen - BSc Countryside Conservation

Area warden for Snowdon working for the Snowdonia National Park Authority

"This is a very varied role, which is what I love about the job. I patrol the mountain a couple of times a week which involves helping walkers who are lost or in trouble, picking litter and carrying out footpath maintenance. A lot of my work involves resolving conflicts between different user groups such as walkers and mountain bikers and working with the local community and landowners.  
The course gave me a great overview of all the different organisations involved in managing the countryside as well as detailed insight into the relevant legislation and policy. The course also gave me the chance to gain practical skills and experience in habitat conservation and management.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Aberystwyth, and the course gave me a wealth of knowledge and skills, which along with voluntary experience got me to where I am today. The quality of the course tutors is what really made it for me though – they really brought the subject alive."