Academic Level of our Lifelong Learning courses


All accredited qualifications are awarded a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level, endorsed by the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales. The framework aims to help you make informed decisions about the qualifications you would like to gain. The table below will help you to relate the level of the courses offered by Lifelong Learning to any previous course you might have done. You don’t necessarily have to have studied at levels 1-3 to take a course with Lifelong Learning.

The table below only shows some common examples of qualifications at the different levels. Lifelong Learning courses are called ‘Level 1’ courses because they are equivalent to level 1 of a three-year degree. They are at level 4 of the NQF.

National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

NQF Level Example of Qualification at this Level
8 Doctorate (PhD)
7 Masters Degree (MA, MSc)
6 Degree
5 Diploma of Higher Education (HND - Higher National Diploma)
4 Certificate of Higher Education - first year of a degree. Level 1 modules with Lifelong Learning
3 Introductory Courses - Level 0 modules with Lifelong Learning, A-Level, NVQ 3
2 GCSE grades A-C, NVQ level 2, OCN level 3 (Open College Network)
1 GCSE grades D-G, NVQ level 1, OCN level 1
Entry Entry Level OCN

We offer Certificates of Higher Education in the following subject areas:

The Diploma of Higher Education is available in Field and Conservation Ecology.