Aberystwyth University Scholarships & Merit Awards (Exam-based)

Entrance Examinations & Merit Awards; student in library

Worth up to £3,000 plus an unconditional offer to study with us!

To be considered for our University Scholarships and Merit Awards you will need to sit two exam papers in subjects of your choice* with the exams being held at your school/college.

*Please ensure that you select exam papers which are acceptable to the Department(s) you have applied to study at. It is your responsibility to ensure you have selected appropriate subjects. Failure to do so may result in your scholarship application being rejected. Please read our FAQ's below before applying. 

Please note that Veterinary Science, Veterinary Nursing and Nursing applicants are not eligible to sit the exams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What awards are available?

University Scholarship – £1,000 per year
We have 50 university Scholarships to award to the candidates scoring the highest aggregate marks of both exam papers. Successful candidates receive £1,000 for each year of their course. University Scholarship holders also receive an unconditional offer.

Merit Award – £1,000 in the first year
We offer up to 100 Merit Awards each year to those achieving the next highest aggregate marks of both exam papers. Merit Award holders receive £1,000 during the first year of their course. University Merit Award holders also receive an unconditional offer.

Unconditional Offers
Strong performance in the Exams can result in the University confirming your place without further conditions, resulting in an unconditional UCAS offer. Candidates who do not receive a Scholarship or Merit Award may be given an unconditional offer on the basis of their strong performance in the exams.

When and Where are the Exams?

The exams for 2025 entry will take place on the 7th of February 2025

At your UK school/college. Please contact scholarships@aber.ac.uk if your school or college is unable to hold the exams.

Applications outside of the UK will be considered on an individual basis. If international applicants do not attend an eligible school (e.g. an International School), there may be an option of sitting the exams at a British Council Office. Any such arrangements would be at the expense of the applicant, who would need to make all necessary arrangements directly with the British Council in advance of submitting their application form.

What are the Aberystwyth University Scholarships & Merit Awards Exams?

  1. The Exams are optional exams for students applying for an undergraduate degree scheme at Aberystwyth.
  2. The exams will be online and you will need access to a school/college computer with Microsoft Word, internet connection, and a 
    web browser (preferably Chrome, Firefox or Edge) in order to access and submit the exam papers. You, and your school/college, will be provided with full instructions prior to the exam day. If you have special circumstances that prevents you from doing so, please note this on your application form. 
  3. All candidates for the Mathematics and Further Mathematics exam will be asked to answer on paper, scanned and emailed to scholarships@aber.ac.uk by your Exams Officer. 
  4. You will sit TWO exams from the choice of subjects we offer (the choice of exam papers must be approved by the Department you have applied to study at).
  5. Each exam lasts for an hour and a half and both exams need to be taken on the same day.
  6. The exams are set and marked by our academic departments so they don’t follow any particular syllabus but they should be a similar standard to A-level exams. We do not offer marking schemes or feedback for exam papers.

What are the benefits of sitting the exams?

  1. Successful candidates will receive one of 3 levels of award:
  • University Scholarship – £1,000 a year plus an unconditional offer

  • Merit Award – £1,000 in the first year plus an unconditional offer

  • Unconditional Offer

*Please note that the Unconditional Offer is for the course(s) you have already applied for. You will not be able to adjust your course following the results of the Entrance Exams.  

       2. A guaranteed University place can take the pressure off other exam results.

3. Being awarded a Scholarship is a great addition to your CV.


Which exam papers should I choose?

Please ensure you choose subjects which are relevant for the degree scheme you wish to pursue. If you don’t sit exams in appropriate subjects, this may affect your eligibility for an award.

It's a good idea to look at some of the past papers to get a feel for the type and level of questions likely to be asked, but please note that the format of exam papers may change from year to year.

In order to be considered for an award and/or an unconditional offer it is important to select exam papers which are acceptable to the Department(s) you have applied to study at. It is your responsibility to ensure you have selected appropriate subjects. 

If you are applying for a course which includes a foundation year and you’re unsure about which subjects to choose, please email us: 

Please note that Veterinary Science, Veterinary Nursing and Nursing applicants are not eligible to sit the exams.

How do I apply?

You can apply quickly and easily via the Application Form on our website. You should receive a confirmation email following completion. Please get in touch if you don’t receive this email.

You MUST get permission from your Examinations Officer before submitting your application form to ensure they can make the necessary arrangements. We will need their email address as part of the application process in order to obtain confirmation, and send exam instructions in due course.

Please note that although you must have applied to study at Aberystwyth University by the closing date, you do not need to wait to receive an offer before you can apply to sit the exams.


*Details on how to apply for the 2025 Aberystwyth University Scholarships & Merit awards exams will be available here soon.

How will the online exams work?

Please read the Guide for Applicants - 2024 and watch the video on How to submit exam papers to familiarise yourself with the exams instructions before hand. 

Please also familiarise yourself with the Policy on Good and Unfair Academic Practice for the Exams.

Please note that an updated Guide for the 2025 exams will be available here soon.


What if I have special exam requirements?

Please consult with your Exams Officer regarding any arrangements you have in place for normal school/college exams.

Eligible candidates may be entitled to 25% extra time, and arrangements as per normal school examinations, please see our Policy on making reasonable adjustments for applicants sitting the Exams.

What can I take into the exams?

Candidates are not permitted to take mobile phones, smart watches or any similar digital devices into the Exams.  Unless specified otherwise below, no texts, dictionaries, atlases or other documents or equipment may be used:

  • Accounting & Finance- non-programmable calculators may be used.
  • Art Portfolio – candidates must arrange to submit their portfolio by the date of the written exams.
  • Business and Management – non-programmable calculators may be used. 
  • Chemistry – a periodic table is provided and a calculator may be used. 
  • Economics – non-programmable calculators may be used. 
  • Mathematics - Candidates may take into the examination any information booklets or statistical tables approved by their examining board for use in examinations. Candidates are permitted to use calculators, provided they comply with A level examining board regulations. 
  • Physics – all relevant information will be contained within the paper, but candidates may take into the examination room any ‘Information Booklets’ permitted by their Examining Boards for use in those examinations if they wish. Candidates are permitted to use calculators (provided they are silent, self-powered, without communication facilities, and incapable of holding text or other material that could be used to gain an unfair advantage).
  • Photograhy Portfolio – candidates must arrange to submit their portfolio by the date of the written exams.

Information for Schools and Colleges

Candidates are required to sit both papers in the same day. Schools may determine start times to suit their own timetables. The exams last for one and a half hours each.  

All instructions and materials for the exams will be sent to the nominated Examinations Officer approximately one week before the exams. 

There is no charge associated with sitting the exams, but the University is unable to contribute to any invigilation or room booking costs which may be incurred. Normal exam arrangements apply.

If you have any questions that have not been answered in the above document, please contact scholarships@aber.ac.uk.

Please note that an updated guide for the 2025 exams will be available here soon.

Information for Mature Applicants or Deferred Entry

Mature Applicants

We welcome applications from mature applicants but please note that you are not permitted to sit the exams if you have already been a student at any University for more than one semester. 

Deferred Entry

If you intend to defer your application to the University you can sit the exams and defer any award alongside your deferred entry. Alternatively, you may prefer to sit the exams whilst you're on your year out.

Results and Payment

All results will be sent to applicants via email within 4-6 weeks of the exams taking place.

If successful, you will receive payments in two equal instalments (December and March) directly into your bank account once you register as a student with us. Please ensure that you have entered your bank details onto your student portal (under 'Personal Information') in order for us to be able to make the payments. 

Please note there is no financial award with the Unconditional Offer. 


The provision of our Scholarships & Merit Awards has been made possible by generous donations from a number of benefactors over the years.

Some awards have restrictions placed on who can receive them, but it is not necessary to apply for a specific Scholarship – if your exam results are sufficiently high we will award a suitable Scholarship to you.

However, you should let us know if you are the son of a Nonconformist Minister and therefore eligible for consideration for the David Morgan Thomas of Caterham Memorial Scholarship.

We have published a list of our Benefactors and the terms and conditions associated with individual awards online.