Exams & Assessments

The exam timetable will be made available online several weeks before the examination period begins.

Your department will also send individual emails to remind students of any existing individual exam provision and to ask them whether or not they still require this provision. Please make sure you respond to these emails.

Tip: Please make sure you know the location of your exam and turn up at least 15 minutes before the exam start time. 

How to obtain exam provisions

Any exam help, such as extra time or use of a computer, you may have had in school/college will not continue automatically through to university.

Getting provisions through DSA

We advise that you apply for Disabled Students' Allowance (Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)) in advance of starting your degree course as this puts exam provisions and recommendations in place. Once you have received the Needs Assessment Report (as long as Aberystwyth University is your first choice), we will automatically receive a copy of your report. The Accessibility team will put exam provision in place.

Your student record will be updated to reflect exam recommendations and your department should send you an email with your Institutional Provision Page, prior to the exam period, checking that what is in place is correct.

If you don't have DSA, but do have a disability

If you don't have DSA but do have applicable evidence (an Educational Psychologist Assessment report for SpLD/updated medical professional letter for physical/mental health), then contact accessibility@aber.ac.uk to discuss what support may be organised.

If you have a temporary disability or impairment

Dependent on the circumstances, you may have exam provision recommended by the Accessibility Team. For example, if a recent physical injury, sudden illness or mental health related issue is likely to impact on your exams, contact accessibility@aber.ac.uk immediately to organise an appointment.

Please see your GP as soon as possible as you may be able to get a doctor’s letter and make sure you take any available evidence to the appointment.

If you don't have DSA or evidence

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do unless you have some form of evidence.

If you are distracted by the noise of other people around you, you can wear foam ear plugs which help reduce the noise.

Exam provision queries

Check if you're happy with your provisions

Once you receive an email with the Institutional Provision Page, if you are happy with the provision that has been put in place, then there is no need to do anything else. If you want to question the provision or feel provision has not been met, then please contact your department or accessibility@aber.ac.uk.

You should let your department and the Accessibility Team accessibility@aber.ac.uk know if you do not want the special exam provision you have been allowed. This includes, not wanting to have a Reader/Amanuensis and not wanting to use a computer or not wanting to be in a room of your own.

How to use specific provisions

If you have only extra time, you will need to go to the Individual Exam Requirement (IER) room adjacent/near to the main exam venue. Your department will inform you where your exams will be. Go to this venue and follow signs for the IER room/ask a member of staff.

If you have use of a computer, always double check with your department that the exam is not already timetabled for a computer room due to the nature/subject area of your course. Otherwise, your exam will be in IBERS (New building) 0.32

If you have a reader/amanuensis, or have been allocated to sit your in exam in a room by yourself, your exam will be held in a room allocated by your department. Please contact your department for further details before your exam.

Additionally, if you have an amanuensis, a trial run can be arranged. You need to contact Marion Thomson mnt@aber.ac.uk or the Accessibility team by emailing accessibility@aber.ac.uk

Special Circumstances

For information on how to apply for Special Circumstances, see here. 

Student Support Services is able to provide letters to accompany Special Circumstances Forms in the following circumstances only and at the student’s request and with the student’s permission.

Personal, emotional, relationship, financial, or similar issues

If a student has had ongoing contact with one of our Advisers or Counsellors at a time of difficulty we are able to provide a letter confirming the nature of our contact with the student and the issues presented. Unfortunately, we are NOT able to provide letters for students unless they have been using our services during the time for which they are claiming special circumstances.

Disabled Students, or those with chronic health issues/specific learning differences

Disabled students and those with ongoing health issues or specific learning differences are encouraged to contact an Accessibility Adviser as early as possible in their studies to discuss the reasonable adjustments that can be offered to support them in their studies. Letters for special circumstances will only be provided for these students where there has either been a sudden change in needs or where a student has not previously disclosed disability and there is no time to put reasonable adjustments in place.

Confirmation of medical conditions

We are unable to provide letters evidencing medical conditions – students will need to contact their GP/medical practitioner for letters of this kind.