Gwybodaeth Modiwlau
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Lecture | 11 x 2 Hour Lectures |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Essay - (3,000 words) | 50% |
Semester Exam | 2 Hours Seen exam | 50% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. research and compose an essay that clearly demonstrates an ability to contextualize, reflect upon, and critically appraise an aspect of contemporary photographic practice (Aims: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)
2. formulate ideas and opinions in a substantiated and orderly manner (Aims A,B,C,D,E,F,H,I)
CAL test to be used to:
3. analyse particular photographs in order to show an informed awareness of their possible reading
4. critique specific approaches to the medium of photography and contextualise these approaches in relation to the work of lens based artists
Brief description
This module examines the development of applications of photography to fine art since 1945 to the present time. It encapsulates the changes in imaging associated with genres such as landscape, documentary, self-portraiture, ethnicity and gender issues. It closes with the advent of digital photography as a new fine art tool. The period is examined in relation to changes in critical thinking particularly semiotics and the applications of specific theories to the photographic form
B. develop convictions regarding the debates surrounding contemporary photographic practice
C. cultivate an ability and confidence to examine and compare ways in which photography is discussed and written about
D. develop a critical apparatus and criteria to evaluate specific images
E. sharpen students powers of judgement
F. form ideas relating to the interconnectedness of visual art disciplines
G. develop a specific program of research and a research methodology
H. undertake a systematic inquiry within a prescribed framework
I. form and test hypotheses
1 Introducing the course: Structure, content, delivery, assessment
2 Reading Photography 1: Modes in photography
3 Reading Photography 2: light readings - Characteristics of the photographic image & critical positions
4 Exhibition visit: writing a review
5 National Library of Wales: modern collections
6 Case study (select British artist)
7 Case study: Diane Arbus
8 Documentary aspects of the School of Art Collections
9 New Land(scapes) for Old - New Topographics
10 Landscape as a mirror and window
11 Case study: South Africa - 1949 ? 1994 photography, politics, race
12 Photographing the `other?: ethics and observation
13 Exhibition visit/gallery visit seminar
14 Women and the camera
15 The post-modern self: identity and the camera + `Naked? video
16 Case study: (select photographer)
17 Hybrids and analogue echoes ? reinventing historic processes
18 Ghosts and shadows ? the numinous in contemporary practice
19 Media and cyber culture
20 Contemporary engagements - seminar (with postgraduates)
Transferable skills
- Self-directed project work -- through the production of the essay
- IT and information handling -- you will be expected to word-process the essay and search the internet for research sources. Where appropriate, supporting work may be generated using computer-graphic software in consultation with individual tutors and subject to the availability of existing resources.
- Writing in an academic context -- The essay will be composed in accordance with academic conventions.
- Oral discussion and presentation -- These will be developed in the context of class discussions and seminars and presentations
- Self-management -- you will be expected to construct a realistic timetable for the completion of discrete phases of research and writing in consultation with their supervisors.
- Group activity - regular seminar discussions
This module is at CQFW Level 6