Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Second Year Environmental Earth Science Tutorial
Academic Year
Semester 1 (Taught over 2 semesters)
Mutually Exclusive
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Essay  1000 words  30%
Semester Assessment Dissertation/project proposal  40%
Semester Assessment Field Map  30%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Write in an academic/technical style as expected in Environmental Earth Science;

2. Critically engage with contemporary literature in Environmental Earth Science;

3. Demonstrate knowledge of the development of Environmental Earth Science in recent decades;

4. Identify a research problem or subject and design an appropriate research strategy;

5. Perform a field-based exercise within a specified timeframe;

6. Demonstrate an awareness of ethical and safety issues in Environmental Earth Science research.

Brief description

The tutorial module is designed to be a complementary module for students taking the second year of the Environmental Earth Science degree. It provides a basis for close and regular supervisory contact with students throughout the year. Objectives The module has three specific objectives. First, as a source of close, working contact, it can more effectively address the general academic and pastoral problems confronted by students during their second year. Second, the Environmental Earth Science Tutorial Module is designed to have its own independent academic syllabus which includes elements of field teaching. Third, the module has a group field-based exercise which will enhance the team work and communications skills of the tutorial groups. The tutorial provides an opportunity to draw out the integrative themes that run through the Environmental Earth Science programme. It develops research skills through focussing on identifying gaps, forming research questions, and designing research strategies. It will address a defined range of study skills (including one field exercise), enabling students to cope more effectively with the basic demands of academic study, develop transferable skills, and enable them to exploit more fully the possibility offered by the Environmental Earth Science programme. The study skills covered by the Level 2 Tutorial Module will deal with the following: Project work/Dissertations [inc. design/problem formulation: primary data types/techniques: compiling bibliographies: techniques of report writing] Oral Presentations Career guidance/self-assessment The module is assessed through three assignments: an essay (1,000 words, 30%); a field map (30%) and a dissertation proposal (1,500 words, 40%).


This module combines pastoral and personal development responsibilities of the personal tutor with the development of core study skills that are central to success in Higher Education. The ten sessions (which include personal tutor meetings) will address the following themes:
• Summarising and synthesizing academic literature;
• Forming and supporting arguments;
• Geomorphological/contaminated land mapping field techniques in environmental Earth science;
• Revision techniques;
• Forming research questions;
• Ethics and fieldwork in safety;
• Presentation techniques.

Other issues relating to pastoral development – such as the expectations and challenges of university life, time and resource management, reviewing academic performance, and employability and career aspirations can be discussed in designated personal tutor slots.
In addition to the one-hour tutorial sessions this module will include one year group exercise at a local site. This exercise will be based on a mapping exercise (typically to cover surficial deposit/contaminated land mapping).

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number This is not explicitly addressed in this module.
Communication Students will be required to present written work in an appropriate academic/technical format.
Improving own Learning and Performance Students will be encouraged to respond to feedback. The students will be given feedback on their first written assignment. They will be encouraged to reflect on this feedback and use the experience to improve their learning and performance prior to submitting the second, larger assignment.
Information Technology Students will be required to use word processing technology for the coursework. They will also need to engage with sources of information to produce appropriate field maps and images to support their one-day field course.
Personal Development and Career planning Personal development and employability issues are embedded in the personal tutor sessions.
Problem solving Students will be required to identify a research problem and to plan a research strategy. Students will also have to research the field area before the one-day course and produce their own base maps.
Research skills Students will be required to research and evaluate and analyse information for coursework.
Subject Specific Skills The three assignments address quite different aspects of the professional subject specific skills for EES graduates.
Team work While not assessed, there will be opportunities for students to work as a team especially in small groups during the field exercise. Whilst small group working will be required for field safety reasons the student’s maps will be assessed on an individual basis.


This module is at CQFW Level 5