Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Equine Reproductive Physiology and Breeding Technology
Academic Year
Semester 2
Other Staff

Course Delivery

Delivery Type Delivery length / details
Seminar 2 x 4 Hour Seminars
Lecture 22 x 1 Hour Lectures
Practical 3 x 3 Hour Practicals
Field Trip 1 x 8 Hour Field Trip


Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Seminar presentation  (25 minutes)  20%
Semester Assessment Precis/abstract of a set topic  20%
Semester Assessment Case study  (max 5000 words)  60%
Supplementary Assessment Students must take elements of assessment that are equivalent to those that led to failure of the module.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a detailed and comparative knowledge of the anatomy and control of reproduction in the mare and stallion.

2. Demonstrate a detailed and comparative knowledge of the physiology of pregnancy, parturition and lactation in the mare.

3. Evaluate in detail the principles, merits and limitations of various equine stud management systems, including the use of reproductive technology.

4. Critically analyse and evaluate historical, current and future research in equine reproduction and stud management.

Brief description

This module will consider in detail the gross and microscopic functional anatomy of the reproductive systems of the mare and the stallion. Equine embryology and placentation will be covered in detail along with the endocrine control mechanisms that govern all aspects of reproductive function in both the stallion and the mare. Equine lactation, its anatomy, physiology and function will also be detailed. Comparative anatomy and function will be considered throughout. The application of physiological knowledge gained to equine breeding management will be made. The use of artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs) and artificial manipulation will be evaluated in detail including the use of hormone therapies, embryo transfer, artificial insemination, ultrasonic scanning etc. Evaluation and detailed understanding of the factors affecting fertility and the selection of breeding stock based on reproductive competence will be included


To provide an advanced knowledge of reproductive physiology and the biological mechanisms that govern reproductive activity. This knowledge will be applied to stud practice with particular emphasis on reproductive technologies.


A series of approximately 15 lectures and 3 practicals and student seminars.

Lectures will cover the following topics :
  • Mare's reproductive anatomy - 1 lecture
  • Stallion reproductive anatomy - 1 lecture
  • Control of Reproduction in the mare and stallion - 1 lecture
  • Manipulation of reproduction - 2 lectures
  • Anatomy of pregnancy - 2 lectures
  • Endocrine control of pregnancy - 1 lecture
  • Physical process of parturition and its control - 1 lecture
  • Anatomy of the mammary gland - 1 lecture
  • Control of lactation - 1 lecture
  • Manipulation of reproduction in the mare - 1 lecture
  • Detection of oestrus and mating management - 1 lecture
  • Induction of Parturition - 1 lecture
  • Management of parturition and foal adaptive period - 1 lecture
Practicals will cover the following topics:
  • Non pregnant mare anatomy
  • Stallion anatomy
  • Pregnant mare anatomy
Seminars will cover :
  • Application of theory to management practices, the exact title and number of seminars will depend of student numbers but are likely to include :
  • 1. Assessment and selection of mares and stallions for breeding 2. Mare and stallion infertility 3. Pregnancy diagnosis and the management of the pregnant mare 4. Reproductive technologies including Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer and associated assisted breeding techniques
  • Visit to an intensively managed stud

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Depending on the case study presented, there will be a varying degree of mathematical calculations that will need to be done.
Communication Developing and assessing oral and written communication will be an integral part of the assessment for this module through the delivery of a seminar, accompanying summary sheet and case study report.
Improving own Learning and Performance Detailed feedback will be given for seminar presentations and case studies providing students with detailed guidance on how to improve their work and learning.
Information Technology Students will be required to source information from a variety of scientific publication data bases. Students will be expected to deliver their seminar with the aid of power point and to produce their accompanying summary on word processor, containing written text and illustration.
Personal Development and Career planning Students will have some choice in the area which is covered by their seminar, as such this will allow them to begin to specialize in areas of specific interest linked to their future career plans.
Problem solving Case Study will require students to identify and offer solutions to problems within a stud.
Research skills Students will be expected to demonstrate significant literature research skills in preparation for their seminar presentation as well as in directed self study. Student's laboratory skills will be developed in their practical laboratory work.
Subject Specific Skills The reproductive physiology knowledge which will be developed into an understanding of stud management and associated veterinary techniques.
Team work Depending on numbers on the course students may be required to prepare seminars in pairs as such team work will be an important skill developed, additionally students will be required to work in pairs in the practical sessions.


This module is at CQFW Level 7