Jisc Online Surveys at Aberystwyth University

Aberystwyth University has developed a Survey Policy (link to policy here) that applies to all internal surveys circulated to Aberystwyth University staff and students with a target population of 50 or more. If your target population is 50 or more recipients, please read and consider the AU Survey Policy now before proceeding any further.

Survey Software

Aberystwyth University has a subscription to JISC Online Survey (formerly BOS) that will fulfill most needs when it comes to surveys and is the University’s preferred survey software. In order to use JISC at Aberystwyth University please email bosadmin@aber.ac.uk.

Aberystwyth University also has a subscription to Vevox if you find that JISC online surveys does not cover your needs. Vevox (What is Vevox?) offers the possibility of using and adapting existing surveys, or writing surveys from scratch although is predominantly used for polling. Please email is@aber.ac.uk to use Vevox


Resources to help design your survey

Guidance for students and staff carrying out surveys. Find advice about survey design, promotion and follow up in order to achieve a high response rate.

Jisc Online Survey help and support: https://www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/category/help-support/?post_type=supportarticle

Everything covered from how to set up a survey, distribute a survey, detail about appropriate question types and how to analyse the survey responses.

Good practice for surveysBest practice in questionnaire design | Research and Innovation | Imperial College London

Tips on creating effective surveys, and further links to information on qualitative vc quantitative questioning, likert scale explanation and further advice on sensitive survey questioning for example.

LinkedIn ‘want to avoid common survey design mistakes:
