Gwybodaeth am Alergedd

Ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth rydym wedi cyflwyno gweithdrefnau i sicrhau bod ein cwsmeriaid yn ymwybodol o’r holl alergenau sydd yn y bwyd rydym yn ei weini.

Mae 14 alergen wedi'u diffinio'n gyfreithiol, sef:

Glwten (megis Haidd a Cheirch), Cramenogion (Corgimychiaid, Cranc, Cimwch), Molysgiaid (Cregyn Gleision ac Wystrys), Cnau Coed (megis Almonau, Cnau Ffrengig, Cnau Cyll), Wyau, Bleiddlys, Llaeth, Mwstard, Cnau Daear, Seleri, Sesame, Soia, Sylffitau, Pysgod


Caiff yr holl alergenau hyn eu nodi ar daflen alergenau ddyddiol sy'n cael ei chynhyrchu ym mhob un o'n lleoedd bwyd ar gyfer y bwyd sy'n cael ei weini. Bydd y daflen i’w gweld yn amlwg, a bydd y symbolau canlynol yn cael eu rhoi ar ein bwydlenni i ddangos pa rai o'r rhain sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y prydau.


Mae ein holl brosesau trin a chynhyrchu bwyd yn cael eu rheoli gan HACCP. Mae'r gweithdrefnau Dadansoddi Peryglon a Phwynt Rheoli Critigol hyn yn ymdrin â phob rhan o'n proses fwyd. O gynnal archwiliad o’n cyflenwyr i sut rydym yn gwneud ac yn gweini ein bwyd. Caiff hyn ei wirio'n rheolaidd wedyn gan ein hymgynghorydd iechyd amgylcheddol annibynnol. Mae'r systemau hyn ar waith i sicrhau ein bod yn cofnodi'r holl alergenau ac i atal unrhyw bosibilrwydd bod yr alergenau yn croeshalogi.


Rydym hefyd yn ymwybodol iawn bod gan rai pobl alergedd neu anoddefiadau i fwydydd nad ydynt wedi'u rhestru ar y daflen alergenau. Mae mefus a bwyd sbeislyd yn ddwy enghraifft. Mewn achosion o'r fath, ni fydd ein labelu safonol yn ymdrin â’r rhain, felly gofynnwn i chi roi gwybod i ni am unrhyw ofynion sydd gennych. Yn y Neuadd Fwyd a Phantyelyn, caiff ein holl fwyd ei goginio gan ein tîm o gogyddion. Felly, bydd modd i ni sicrhau ein bod yn cynhyrchu bwyd sy'n ddiogel i chi ei fwyta.


Mae'r holl fwytai a chaffis ar y campws yma i ddarparu ar eich cyfer chi, ein myfyrwyr. Felly, cysylltwch â ni i drafod eich anghenion a'ch gofynion, yn enwedig os oes gennych chi anoddefiad neu alergedd nad yw'n rhan o'r 14.  Ein blaenoriaeth yw eich helpu i gael y profiad gorau wrth astudio yn Aberystwyth. Rhan o hyn yw sicrhau y gallwch brynu bwyd a diodydd sy'n cydymffurfio ag unrhyw ddeiet amrywiol neu benodol sydd gan ein myfyrwyr, a byddem yn croesawu'r cyfle i siarad â chi am hyn.


Dymuniadau gorau


Y Tîm Lletygarwch

Rhestr gynhwysion Peis a Phasteiod

Os oes gennych anoddefiad bwyd nad yw'n un o'r 14 alergen, gweler y rhestr gynhwysion ar gyfer y peis a'r pasteiod, sydd wedi'u lleoli yn y siop goffi o fewn y Neuadd Fwyd. Gofynnwch i aelod o staff am gymorth os oes angen.

Noder, dyma ein heitemau safonol, bydd cyfnewidiadau’n cael eu hysbysebu yn y cabinet arddangos drws nesaf i’r cynnyrch.

Nid yw'r eitemau hyn wedi'u cyfieithu, gan fod y cynhwysion wedi'u rhestru gan y gwneuthurwr, ac er mwyn osgoi unrhyw ddryswch. Cofion gorau, Lletygarwch.

Eitem Fegan

Rhôl Fegan

Water, WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Vegan Seasoning (15%) (Textured WHEAT Protein [SULPHITE], Palm Fat, WHEAT Gluten, Rusk [WHEAT Flour Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin, Salt], Flavouring [Salt, Maltodextrin, Yeast Extract], Stabiliser [Methylcellulose], Salt, Dextrose, Herb [Sage], Spices [White Pepper, Coriander, Chilli], Yeast Extract, Onion Powder, Colour [Caramel]), Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Onion, White Shortening (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Vegan Glaze (2%) (Tapioca Dextrin, Dextrose), Yeast Extract, Salt.

Proper Pasti Fegan Cernyweg

WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Potato, Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats (Palm), Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Water, Vegan Mince (9%) (Water, SOYA Protein Concentrate, SOYA Protein Isolate, Rapeseed Oil, Pea Protein, Shea Oil, Coconut Oil, Chicory Root Fibre, Thickener (Methyl Cellulose), Caramelised Carrot Concentrate, Carrot Fibre, Rice Protein, Vegetable and Fruit Extracts (Beetroot, Radish, Tomato), Yeast Extracts, Flavouring, Carrot Concentrate, Emulsifier (SOYA Lecithin), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid), Salt, Vitamins and Minerals (Niacin, Zinc, Iron, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12)), Swede, Onion, White Shortening (Vegetable Oils and Fats (Palm, Rapeseed), Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Salt, Vegan Gravy (Water, Corn Flour, Demerara Sugar, Yeast Extracts (contains Salt, Glucose), Salt, BARLEY Malt Extract, Onion Powder, Carrot Powder, Spice (White Pepper), Acidifier (Sodium Acetate), Spice Extract (Pepper), Onion Extract), Cornflour, Yeast Extract, Vegan Glaze (Water, Tapioca Dextrin, Dextrose), Black Pepper, White Pepper.

Sleisen Stêc Pupur Wedi'i Seilio ar blanhigion Heb Gig

Fortified WHEAT Flour (with Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Vegetable Oil and Fat (Palm, Rapeseed, Sunflower), Meat Free Beef Style Filling (10%) (Water, Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed, Sunflower), Pea Protein Concentrate, Pea Protein Isolate, Yeast Extract, Natural Flavouring, Vegetable Concentrates (Beetroot, Caramelised Carrot, Carrot), Dried Vegetables (Onion, Leek, Potato), Salt, Sugar, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Black Pepper, Bay Leaves, Sage Oil), Potato, Onion, Modified Maize Starch, Vegetable Stock (Water, Carrot, Onion, Leek, White Pepper, Bay Leaf, Thyme), Yeast Extract (Yeast Extract, Salt, Sugar), Chicory Fibre, Potato Flake, Natural Flavour, Vegetable Juice Concentrates (Onion, Carrot, Leek, Garlic), Corn Flour, Salt, Dehydrated Potato, Dried OAT Milk, Ground Black Pepper, Tomato Puree (Tomato, Acidity Regulator (Citric Acid)), Caramelised Sugar, Garlic Puree, Malt Extract (BARLEY Malt, Water), Emulsifier (E471), Worcestershire Sauce (Water, Spirit Vinegar, Cane Molasses, Tamarind Paste, Salt, Onion Powder, Cayenne Powder, Garlic Powder, Clove Powder), Cracked Black Pepper, Vegetable Protein (Pea, Potato, Faba Bean), Dehydrated Horseradish, WHEAT Dextrose, Maize Starch, Maize Maltodextrin 

Sleisen cyri katsu Cyw Iâr wedi'i Seilio ar Blanhigion Heb Gig

Fortified WHEAT Flour (with Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Vegetable Oil and Fat (Palm, Rapeseed, Sunflower), Meat Free Chicken Style Filling (10%) (Water, Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed, Sunflower), Pea Protein Isolate (12%), Pea Protein Concentrate (12%), Natural Flavouring, Yeast Extract, Salt, Dried Vegetables (Onion, Leek, Potato), Sugar, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Black Pepper, Bay Leaves, Sage Oil), Onion, Modified Maize Starch, Tomato Puree (Tomatoes, Acidity Regulator (Citric Acid)), Sugar, Spices (contains CELERY), Creamed Coconut, Garlic Puree, Salt, Ginger Puree, Panko Breadcrumbs (Wheat Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin, Salt, Yeast, Rapeseed Oil), Coriander, Dried Onion, Vegetable Proteins (Pea, Potato, Faba Bean), Emulsifier (E471), Dried Tomato, Dried Garlic, WHEAT Dextrose, Maize Maltodextrin

Eitem Llysieuwr 

Proper Pasti Gaws a Wnion

Potato, WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Onion (10%), Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Water, Cheddar Cheese (8%) (MILK), White Shortening (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Salt, Dehydrated Potato Flake, Modified Potato Starch, Glaze (MILK Proteins, Dextrose, Rapeseed Oil), Black Pepper, White Pepper.

Proper Sleisen Gaws a Wnion

WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Water, White Sauce [Skimmed MILK, Vegetable Stock (Water, Salt, Yeast Extract, Maltodextrin, Sugar, Onion, Carrot, Tomato, Herbs), Palm Oil, Modified Maize Starch, Salt, Emulsifier (SOYA Lecithin)], Cheddar Cheese [MILK] (9%), Onion (8%), White Shortening (Vegetable Oils And Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Potato, Red Leicester Cheese (contains Annatto Norbixin), [MILK] (3%), Cornflour, Rusk (Rusk [WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin)], Water, Salt, Raising Agent [Ammonium Carbonate]), Vegan Glaze (Tapioca Dextrin, Dextrose), Italian Hard Cheese (Italian Hard Cheese (MILK)), Salt, Dijon MUSTARD (Water, MUSTARD Seed, Spirit Vinegar, Sea Salt, Preservative [Sodium Hydrogen SULPHITE]), Black Pepper, Beta-Carotene Powder

Selsig, Ffa a Sleisen Gaws Heb Gig

Fortified WHEAT Flour (with Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Vegetable Oil and Fat (Palm, Rapeseed, Sunflower), Baked Beans (17%) (Navy Beans, Water, Tomato Puree, Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Sugar, Modified Maize Starch, Salt, Natural Flavours), Water, Cheese (10%) (Mature Cheddar Cheese (MILK), Red Leicester Cheese (MILK) (Colour (Annatto Norbixin))), Meat Free Pork Style Filling (7%) (Water, Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed, Sunflower), Pea Protein Concentrate, Pea Protein Isolate, Yeast Extract, Salt, Spices (Black Pepper, Cayenne, Coriander, Dried Onion, Garlic Powder, Mace, Nutmeg, White Pepper), Natural Flavouring, Herbs (Bay Leaves, Marjoram, Sage), Vegetable Concentrates (Beetroot, Caramelised Carrot, Carrot), Dextrose, Sugar, Dried Vegetables (Onion, Leek, Potato), Lemon Juice Concentrate, Sage Oil), MILK, Modified Maize Starch, Salt, Tomato Puree Tomatoes, Acidity Regulator (Citric Acid), Cornflour, Vegetable Proteins (Pea, Potato, Faba Bean), Thickener (E466), Emulsifier (E471), Black Pepper, WHEAT Dextrose, Maize Maltodextrin.

Twist Pizza Margherita

WHEAT Flour, Water, Tomato Passata (18%), Mozzarella Cheese (Cow’s MILK) (14%), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salt, Malted WHEAT Flour, SOYA Protein, Emulsifier: Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Yeast, Sunflower Oil, Oregano, Garlic.

Eitem Cig

Twist Pizza Eidalaidd Pepperoni

WHEAT Flour, Water, Tomato Passata (18%), Pepperoni (8%) Pork Meat, Salt, Dextrose, Cayenne Pepper, Garlic, Coriander, Paprika, Antioxidant, Extracts of Rosemary, Pepper Extract, Smoke, Antioxidant: Sodium Ascorbate, Preservative: Sodium Nitrite], Mozzarella Cheese Cow’s MILK (8%), Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Malted WHEAT Flour, SOYA Protein, Emulsifier, Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Yeast, Sunflower Oil, Garlic, Chilli flakes.

Rhôl Selsig

Water, WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Pork (15%), Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils And Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Seasoning Mix (Rusk, Salt, WHEAT Starch, Dehydrated Onion, Sunflower Oil, Spice Extracts, Herbs [Sage, Parsley], Dextrose, Sugar, Yeast Extract, Antioxidant [Ascorbic Acid]), White Shortening (Vegetable Oils And Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Glaze (MILK Protein, Dextrose, Vegetable Oil), Salt

Rhôl Chorizo

WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Pork (26%), Water, Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats (Palm), Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Chorizo (9%) (Pork, Salt, Spices, Pork Fat, Dextrose, Spice Extracts, Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid), Yeast Extract, Garlic Powder, Acidity Regulator (Citric Acid), Starter Culture, Preservative (Sodium Nitrate)), Seasoning Mix (Rusk, Salt, WHEAT Starch, Dehydrated Onion, Sunflower Oil, Spice Extracts, Herbs (Sage, Parsley), Dextrose, Sugar, Yeast Extract, Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid)), White Shortening (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Salt, Yeast Extract (Yeast Extract, Salt), Glaze (MILK Protein, Dextrose, Vegetable Oil), Sage.

Pastai Cig Oen a Mintys

WHEAT Flour (calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), Potatoes, Lamb (13%), Swede, Sustainable Palm Oil, Onions, Water, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Lamb Fat, Modified Maize Starch, Free Range EGG, Pepper, Dried Mint, Lemon Juice (from concentrate). Edible Logo (Potato Starch, Water, Olive Oil, Colour (Vegetable Carbon)).

Pastai Cyw Iâr a Chorizo

WHEAT Flour (calcium, iron, niacin, thiamin), Potatoes, Sustainable Palm Oil, Chicken (11%) Onions, Passata Sieved Tomato, Chorizo (5%) (Pork, salt, pork fat, spices, dextrose, spice extracts, antioxidants (E301, E300), yeast extract, garlic powder, acidity regulator (E330), starter culture, preservative (E250)), Water, Red Peppers, Modified Maize Starch, Rapeseed Oil, Salt, Paprika, Garlic Puree, Sunflower Oil, Free Range EGG, Pepper, Kibbled Chili, Red Chilli, Paprika Extract, Smoked Salt, Oregano, Raising Agent (ammonium carbonate), Lemon Juice (from concentrate). Edible Logo ( Potato starch, Water, Olive Oil, Colour (vegetable carbon)).

Pasti Stêc Traddodiadol

WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Potato, Beef (12.5%), Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Water, Swede, Onion, White Shortening (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Salt, Cornflour, Black Pepper, Glaze (MILK Protein, Dextrose, Vegetable Oil), White Pepper.

Pasti Cyw Iâr, Cennin a Bacwn

WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, White Sauce [Skimmed MILK, Vegetable Stock (Water, Salt, Yeast Extract, Maltodextrin, Sugar, Onion, Carrot, Tomato, Herbs), Palm Oil, Modified Maize Starch, Salt, Emulsifier: SOYA Lecithin],Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils And Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Potato, Smoked Bacon (7%) (Pork, Water, Salt, Sugar, Dextrose, Preservatives [Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate], Antioxidant [Sodium Ascorbate]), Chicken (5%) (Chicken, Water), Leeks (5%), Onion, Cheddar Cheese [MILK], White Shortening (Vegetable Oils And Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Cornflour, Salt, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, Glaze (MILK Protein, Dextrose, Vegetable Oil), Black Pepper, Oregano.

Sleisen Stêc

WHEAT Flour (WHEAT Flour, Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Beef (13%), Vegetable Margarine (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Gravy Base (Water, Corn Flour, Demerara Sugar, Yeast Extracts (contains Salt, Glucose), Salt, BARLEY Malt Extract, Onion Powder, Carrot Powder, Spice (White Pepper), Acidifier (Sodium Acetate), Spice Extract (Pepper), Onion Extract), Water, Potato, Onion, White Shortening (Vegetable Oils and Fats [Palm, Rapeseed], Water, Salt, Lemon Juice), Modified Potato Starch, Glaze (Water, MILK Proteins, Dextrose, Rapeseed Oil), Beef Stock [Beef, Yeast Extract, Dried Potato, Dried Onion, Tomato, Salt, Caramelised Sugar Syrup, Beef Fat, Lemon Juice Concentrate], Salt, Black Pepper.

Sleisen Cyw Iâr a Madarch

WHEAT Flour, Water, Cooked Chicken (15%) (Contains Chicken, Water, Salt, Vegetable fibre, SOYA Protein, Stabilisers E452, E331, Thickener E407), Non-Hydrogenated Vegetable Fat (Contains Rapeseed Oil, Palm Oil, Palm Oil Fractions, Coconut Oil, Water, Salt, Emulsifier E471, Colours E100, E160b(i), Citric Acid), Mushroom (4%), Non-hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Modified Corn flour, WHEAT Flour, Potato, Skimmed MILK, Salt, Flavour Enhancer E621, Onion, Flavouring, Spice and spice extract, CELERY Extract. Glaze Water, MILK Proteins, Modified Starch, Vegetable Oil, Emulsifiers E322 (SOYA Lecithin), E471, Acidity Regulator E339, Colour E160a.

Rhestr gynhwysion brecwast drwy'r dydd, myffins a rholiau

Os oes gennych anoddefiad bwyd nad yw'n un o'r 14 alergen, gweler y rhestr gynhwysion ar gyfer y peis a'r pasteiod, sydd wedi'u lleoli yn y siop goffi o fewn y Neuadd Fwyd. Gofynnwch i aelod o staff am gymorth os oes angen.

Noder, dyma ein heitemau safonol, bydd cyfnewidiadau’n cael eu hysbysebu yn y cabinet arddangos drws nesaf i’r cynnyrch.

Nid yw'r eitemau hyn wedi'u cyfieithu, gan fod y cynhwysion wedi'u rhestru gan y gwneuthurwr, ac er mwyn osgoi unrhyw ddryswch. Cofion gorau, Lletygarwch.

Eitem Fegan

Myffin Selsig Fegan ag HashBrown

Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid). Potatoes (89%), Sunflower Oil (7%), Dehydrated Potato, Salt, Spices,Yeast Extract, Onion Powder, Water, Rapeseed Oil, Pea Protein (17%), Thickener (E461, E415), Spices, Cornflour, Yeast Extract, Preservative (E326), Salt, Dietary Fibre, Dried Onion, Stabiliser (E425), Natural Flavouring, Herbs, Dextrose, Acidity Regulator (E300), Pea Fibre, Vegetable Concentrates (Beetroot, Caramelised Carrot, Carrot). Sausages filled into plant based casings.

Eitem Llysieuwr

Myffin Ŵy ag HashBrown

Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid). Egg (56%), MilkEgg White (6%), Rapeseed Oil, Stabiliser(Xanthan Gum), Salt, White Pepper. Potatoes (89%), Sunflower Oil (7%), Dehydrated Potato, Salt, Spices,
Yeast Extract, Onion Powder

Myffin Quorn Selsig ag Ŵy

Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid).Egg (56%), MilkEgg White (6%), Rapeseed Oil, Stabiliser(Xanthan Gum), Salt, White Pepper. Mycoprotein (45%), Rehydrated Free Range Egg White, Textured Wheat Protein (Wheat Flour, Stabiliser: Sodium Alginate), Onions, Rapeseed Oil, Milk Proteins, Seasoning [Yeast Extract, Salt, Herbs (Sage, Marjoram), Potassium Chloride, Spices (White & Black Pepper, Nutmeg), Sugar, Onion], Natural Flavourings, Pea Fibre, Tapioca Starch, Roasted Barley Malt Extract.

Myffin Quorn Selsig, Ŵy ag Hashbrown

Egg (56%), MilkEgg White (6%), Rapeseed Oil, Stabiliser(Xanthan Gum), Salt, White Pepper.Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid).Mycoprotein (45%), Rehydrated Free Range Egg White, Textured Wheat Protein (Wheat Flour, Stabiliser: Sodium Alginate), Onions, Rapeseed Oil, Milk Proteins, Seasoning [Yeast Extract, Salt, Herbs (Sage, Marjoram), Potassium Chloride, Spices (White & Black Pepper, Nutmeg), Sugar, Onion], Natural Flavourings, Pea Fibre, Tapioca Starch, Roasted Barley Malt Extract.Potatoes (89%), Sunflower Oil (7%), Dehydrated Potato, Salt, Spices,
Yeast Extract, Onion Powder

Eitem Cig

Rhôl Bacwn

WHEAT Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin and Thiamin), Water, Vegetable Oils (Palm and Rapeseed), WHEAT Semolina, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Fermented WHEAT Flour, WHEAT Gluten, Emulsifiers (E472e, E471), Potato Flakes, Preservative (E282), Flour Treatment Agent (E300).Pork (85%),Water, Salt, Antioxidant (Sodium Ascorbate),Preservatives (Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate)

Rhôl Selsig

WHEAT Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin and Thiamin), Water, Vegetable Oils (Palm and Rapeseed), WHEAT Semolina, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Fermented WHEAT Flour, WHEAT Gluten, Emulsifiers (E472e, E471), Potato Flakes, Preservative (E282), Flour Treatment Agent (E300). Pork (65%), Water, Rusk [WHEAT Flour (Calcium Carbonate, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Salt (Anticaking Agent (E535)). Raising Agent (E503(ii))], Seasoning [Salt, Sugar, Spices (Black Pepper, White Pepper, Nutmeg, Mace), Yeast Extract, Dehydrated Onion, Preservative (Sodium MetabiSULPHITE), Emulsifier (E450), Dextrose, Rice Flour, Antioxidant (E300), Marjoram, Natural Onion Flavouring], Dextrose, Pea Protein, SOYA Protein, Beef Collagen Casing (Collagen, Water, Glycerol, Cellulose,Oil).

Myffin Selsig ag Ŵy

Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid).Egg (56%), MilkEgg White (6%), Rapeseed Oil, Stabiliser(Xanthan Gum), Salt, White Pepper.Pork (83%), Water, Textured SOYA Protein, Potato Starch, Salt, Sage, Spices, Dextrose.

Myffin Selsig ag Hashbrown

Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid). Pork (83%), Water, Textured SOYA Protein, Potato Starch, Salt, Sage, Spices, Dextrose. Potatoes (89%), Sunflower Oil (7%), Dehydrated Potato, Salt, Spices,
Yeast Extract, Onion Powder

Myffin Bacwn,Selsig ag Ŵy

Wheat Flour (with Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Semolina (Wheat), Salt, Soya Flour, Yeast, Sugar, Palm Oil, Spirit Vinegar, Emulsifier (Mono- and Di-Acetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids), Preservative (Calcium Propionate), Flour Treatment Agent (Ascorbic Acid).Egg (56%), MilkEgg White (6%), Rapeseed Oil, Stabiliser(Xanthan Gum), Salt, White Pepper. Pork (85%), Water, Salt, Antioxidant (Sodium Ascorbate), Preservatives (Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate). Pork (83%), Water, Textured SOYA Protein, Potato Starch, Salt, Sage, Spices, Dextrose